Anyone who has been here a while probably knows that I wanted to design a game engine in C++, and I almost have it done.
Allegro, I have created one akin (from what I've read) to be a engine similar in function to that of Mugen. Its a small 2D, data driven game engine that can display 2D graphics, and uses a scripting language similar to C, only it has no arrays, and is used only to manipulate things in the game (ie: enemy ai, level scripting, dialog, changing levels, ect.)
Also it can play sounds, and have up to 10 scrolling or fixed backgrounds, and has input detection, ect. Entities are loaded each level individually from an ini file. An external level editor, that I'm in the process of making, can load, save , and edit levels from scratch.
Here is a mockup of the user interface of the level editor:
The confusing labels are just abbreviations.
Now I just have a couple problems with my project.
-First, I'm not sure how I'm going to make it evaluate mathematical formulas in a file using fstream (like "Var*12(Var+14)"). In other words, interpret like a calculator would for the scripts. Everything else, if statements, else statements, accessing of other entities, functions, temporary and static variable creation, ect, works.
-Second, I'm hooked on Dawn of War, and too busy to keep coding on it.
-Third, I want to add networking capability but I have no idea how to do this.
-Fourth: Coding a level editor is somewhat boring.
However, I'll overcome these....somehow. Meanwhile, I'm posting this truck to I guess spamvertise this

, and ask for help. But mainly just for feedback. I'm going to make it a sort of log of my progress.
Chances are its going to be open source. And chances are I'm probably going to make a game with it. Therefor if anyone wants to lend a hand, and if you got skillz, then I'll gladly let you help out.
If you jump high enough you'll hurt your ankles when you land.