i have written a very long post and then when i posted it said invalid id :((((((( so i have to write it all again X(X(X(X(
i have made a new map and ia haave questions
1 i made all terorrists spawn in diferent rooms with doors on them , i want the doors to open a few seconds affter the round starts ,s o terrorists can come out of rooms
2 i want the lights to turn off before the doors open and then turn back on after they open
3 i want to make a red-alert light that look like the lights on police cars but only with red light , and i want it to make noise like in a nuclear plant when somthing gos rong
4 this is a different map [this was the very long part]
i made it to work perfectly and then wanted to put it up on a site www.cstrike-planet.com
it has rules that needs to be respected if you want to put up a map
i didn't capitolise , i didn't use numbers , it said not to use upper and underscore in your mapname this i didnt understand

my maps name is " fy_mercenar_xxx" and it said that it may take 2 weeks to approve your map
and its been 3 weeks and i still cant find my map on the site :((
it said that it needs to have all the files that other people do not have , wad , sounds , sprites etc.
i used de_piranesi .wad and zhtl.wad on my map

it says that it only accepts .zip format I THINK THIS IS MY PROBLEM .
i just made a

new zip folder and put 2 folders in it , 1 is named "cstrike" the other is "maps" inside "cstrike" folder , just like i saw in other .zip folders that i downloaded from that site :-|
in maps i put bsp and txt file , in cstrike i put zhtl.wad , i didn't put de_piranesi.wad becaouse i think every one gets this wad when he installs game no ?
but xenonn "begginer" said that it didn't matter because i have used -nowadtextures in my .bat file
i didn't use anything else but i think the .zip folder is my problem because it said use winzip or winrar to convert your map
i downloaded it but i don't know how to use it :((
i dont know what files to convert or how to convert them =((

it says "don't re-submit the same map, sometimes it takes a while , but normally if you can't find your map on the
site within 2 weeks that means that your map was rejected"
so i don't want to uplode it again untill im sure that there is no problem with it :-L
THNX FOR READING ALL OF THIS pls help me i dont know what to do :(( :(
Im taking grammar lessons , so i can explain my problems better :D