I broke up with my girlfriend. Here is the IM convesation.

I broke up with my girlfriend. Here is the IM convesation.

General — Page [1]
Miley Cyrus Stalker

2008 Jul 22 • 203
153 ₧


thatshottxlauren (8:54:38 PM): Dave please don'
thatshottxlauren (8:54:43 PM): don't be mad at me*
pwn3dman (8:54:59 PM): and why not?
thatshottxlauren (8:55:48 PM): because. we were like really good friends before, & i hate to see it like this.
pwn3dman (8:56:32 PM): so would i but shit happens
thatshottxlauren (8:56:53 PM): just tell me what i did to you.
thatshottxlauren (8:57:15 PM): :P
pwn3dman (8:57:37 PM): u put people b4 us
thatshottxlauren (8:57:42 PM): ugh
thatshottxlauren (8:57:54 PM): well i'm sorry. i'm a horrible girlfriend.
thatshottxlauren (8:58:32 PM): tell me something i don't know.
pwn3dman (9:00:10 PM): cant
thatshottxlauren (9:00:14 PM): why?
pwn3dman (9:00:40 PM): well, you broke up becaus "we dont talk"
pwn3dman (9:00:45 PM): right?
thatshottxlauren (9:00:57 PM): that's not the only reason/
pwn3dman (9:01:00 PM): yeeah\
pwn3dman (9:01:05 PM): i thinik it is
thatshottxlauren (9:01:14 PM): no its not.
pwn3dman (9:01:25 PM): i think it is
thatshottxlauren (9:01:44 PM): NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pwn3dman (9:01:57 PM): i would just like to say....
pwn3dman (9:02:06 PM): you never sat at my table....
pwn3dman (9:02:19 PM): you never had more than 3 words to say
pwn3dman (9:02:26 PM): you dont text...
pwn3dman (9:02:36 PM): YOUR the one that dosent talk
pwn3dman (9:02:55 PM): ridiclous!
thatshottxlauren (9:02:59 PM): okay i don't text because i can't. i would if i could Dave. i'm SORRY.
pwn3dman (9:03:13 PM): still
pwn3dman (9:03:24 PM): if there are other reasons
pwn3dman (9:03:31 PM): then tell me
I'M SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pwn3dman (9:05:55 PM): hah, i would tell you in person
pwn3dman (9:06:18 PM): I have a whole list of payback
pwn3dman (9:06:26 PM): but im not that person
pwn3dman (9:06:30 PM): belive me,
pwn3dman (9:06:34 PM): however
pwn3dman (9:06:41 PM): revenge is sweet
pwn3dman (9:06:59 PM): so dont plan on anything
thatshottxlauren (9:07:54 PM): okay whatver. i just have 2 more words to say to you;
pwn3dman (9:07:59 PM): fuck off?
thatshottxlauren (9:08:02 PM): FUCK YOU.
pwn3dman (9:08:26 PM): ooh, so close!
thatshottxlauren (9:08:32 PM): wow.
pwn3dman (9:08:47 PM): so
pwn3dman (9:08:54 PM): you done?
thatshottxlauren (9:09:03 PM): with what
pwn3dman (9:09:10 PM): let me say....
pwn3dman (9:09:19 PM): your just another link on the chain
pwn3dman (9:09:30 PM): you see...
thatshottxlauren (9:09:37 PM): what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
pwn3dman (9:09:47 PM): i was GETTING TO THAT!

pwn3dman (9:09:55 PM): you see, people LOVE me
pwn3dman (9:10:04 PM): they all want a chance
pwn3dman (9:10:11 PM): which is okay
pwn3dman (9:10:24 PM): but somtimes not everyone gets a chance
pwn3dman (9:10:35 PM): only the lucky ones do
pwn3dman (9:10:52 PM): but if she's not the right one
pwn3dman (9:11:06 PM): i toss her behind
pwn3dman (9:11:28 PM): all my life i wanted to find the perfect one
pwn3dman (9:11:38 PM): its a journey, really.
pwn3dman (9:11:48 PM): have i? nope
pwn3dman (9:12:04 PM): but theres bound to be it
pwn3dman (9:12:19 PM): so i just move forword
pwn3dman (9:12:26 PM): you see, by breaking up with me,
pwn3dman (9:12:33 PM): YOU HELPED ME!
pwn3dman (9:12:44 PM): you made me realize...
pwn3dman (9:12:49 PM): you arent the one
pwn3dman (9:12:52 PM): so i keep looking
pwn3dman (9:13:03 PM): i liked you for a while
pwn3dman (9:13:06 PM): ya know
pwn3dman (9:13:09 PM): 6th grade
thatshottxlauren (9:13:11 PM): oh, that's nice. i helped you did i?
pwn3dman (9:13:16 PM): i was confident
pwn3dman (9:13:23 PM): but you were
pwn3dman (9:13:28 PM): like the rest of em
pwn3dman (9:13:52 PM): so
thatshottxlauren (9:13:54 PM): see now heres the problem with you dave, sometimes... you just take things a little too far.
pwn3dman (9:14:09 PM): oh, indeed i do
thatshottxlauren (9:14:13 PM): but i
thatshottxlauren (9:14:48 PM): but i'm so glad that i helped you, i feel so much better about myself(: it's time someone finally did though.
pwn3dman (9:15:06 PM): Listen, you little smartass,
pwn3dman (9:15:20 PM): you see...
pwn3dman (9:15:34 PM): no matter how sarcastic you can be...
pwn3dman (9:15:41 PM): it wont matter
thatshottxlauren (9:15:42 PM): no i honestly really truly don't wanna see anymoree.
thatshottxlauren (9:15:51 PM): nothing matters to you now does it ?!?
pwn3dman (9:16:04 PM): oh, not at all, my dear.
pwn3dman (9:16:27 PM): im quite capabble
pwn3dman (9:16:37 PM): of getting over things
pwn3dman (9:16:41 PM): quite quickly
thatshottxlauren (9:17:30 PM): hm, that doesn't sound right to me, now i recall you telling me, you go into like long term depression for 3 days? what your a liar now too ?
pwn3dman (9:17:50 PM): oh, yes
pwn3dman (9:18:02 PM): depression has nothing to do with it
pwn3dman (9:18:07 PM): like you,
pwn3dman (9:18:27 PM): "i bottle everything up inside until i let it out"
thatshottxlauren (9:18:29 PM): that's funny, your mood was depressed?
thatshottxlauren (9:18:33 PM): ......
pwn3dman (9:18:38 PM): bottling it up
pwn3dman (9:18:46 PM): nice method
thatshottxlauren (9:19:13 PM): oh but sitting in your room in a dark little corner helps?
pwn3dman (9:19:26 PM): You'd be surpirsed by how much feelings can hide behind a happy face.
thatshottxlauren (9:19:55 PM): hah, okay Dave. whatttevverrr youuu sayyy.
pwn3dman (9:20:07 PM): well lauren,
pwn3dman (9:20:19 PM): this conversation is getting stupid
pwn3dman (9:20:24 PM): and bad
pwn3dman (9:20:37 PM): just like how you handle a relationship

thatshottxlauren (9:20:57 PM): well there's a little stupid in everyone Dave.
pwn3dman (9:21:11 PM): yeah, but you got an extra dose!

thatshottxlauren (9:21:35 PM): okay, i can accept that. because i know i'
thatshottxlauren (9:21:37 PM): m
thatshottxlauren (9:21:39 PM): stupid.
thatshottxlauren (9:21:53 PM): & i don't care what you think unfortuantly.
pwn3dman (9:22:00 PM): acceptance is the first step.
thatshottxlauren (9:22:41 PM): well your sure past that now aren't chaa?
pwn3dman (9:22:59 PM): well, I am rich and famous thanks to my music abilitys and the internet noticing my abilitys.
pwn3dman (9:23:08 PM): so
pwn3dman (9:23:14 PM): your last on my list
pwn3dman (9:23:17 PM): goodbye!
thatshottxlauren (9:23:24 PM): hah, okayyy. once again, whatever you say Dave.
thatshottxlauren (9:23:35 PM): BYE ! HAVE A NICE DAY!!
pwn3dman (9:23:47 PM): be a happy walmart shopper!

2008 Dec 4 at 02:54 UTC — Ed. 2008 Dec 4 at 02:59 UTC
Miley Cyrus Stalker

2008 Jul 22 • 203
153 ₧
From what you see here,

I can be an asshole to ex girlfriends.

Thats somthing to be proud off, isn't it?

2008 Dec 4 at 03:01 UTC
Count Adelaide

Roar Of The Tigress Medal
2007 Jun 24 • 84
68 ₧

The Rocker inside of me wants to say nice burns.
The Angel inside of me wants to call you an ass.
The Me wants to say: Wow.
(I'm 93% Angel btw)
Make awkward sexual advances, not war.
Down Rodeo said:
Dammit, this was the one place that didn't have this, but noooooo, molkman pisses all over that
2008 Dec 4 at 03:03 UTC — Ed. 2008 Dec 4 at 03:04 UTC

Badass Mothafucka Medal
2006 May 21 • 287
216 ₧
Well done little buddy!
2008 Dec 4 at 03:15 UTC
Miley Cyrus Stalker

2008 Jul 22 • 203
153 ₧
sometimes you gotta be an ass to girls.

2008 Dec 4 at 03:18 UTC
Count Adelaide

Roar Of The Tigress Medal
2007 Jun 24 • 84
68 ₧
I guess...
Make awkward sexual advances, not war.
Down Rodeo said:
Dammit, this was the one place that didn't have this, but noooooo, molkman pisses all over that
2008 Dec 4 at 03:21 UTC
Half Irish, half NOT FUNNY

2007 May 27 • 1415
110 ₧
Havokk Edge said:
I'm 93% Angel

YEA RIGHT!!!! you put gay sex on the forum and changed it to pretty ponies!

i dont like pretty ponies why ot unicorns? unicorns are awesome
2008 Dec 4 at 04:21 UTC
Half Irish, half NOT FUNNY

2007 May 27 • 1415
110 ₧
pwn3dman (9:09:55 PM): you see, people LOVE me
pwn3dman (9:10:04 PM): they all want a chance
pwn3dman (9:10:11 PM): which is okay
pwn3dman (9:10:24 PM): but somtimes not everyone gets a chance
pwn3dman (9:10:35 PM): only the lucky ones do
pwn3dman (9:10:52 PM): but if she's not the right one
pwn3dman (9:11:06 PM): i toss her behind
pwn3dman (9:11:28 PM): all my life i wanted to find the perfect one
pwn3dman (9:11:38 PM): its a journey, really.
pwn3dman (9:11:48 PM): have i? nope
pwn3dman (9:12:04 PM): but theres bound to be it
pwn3dman (9:12:19 PM): so i just move forword
pwn3dman (9:12:26 PM): you see, by breaking up with me,
pwn3dman (9:12:33 PM): YOU HELPED ME!
Jrkookid has just signed in.
pwn3dman (9:12:44 PM): you made me realize...
pwn3dman (9:12:49 PM): you arent the one
pwn3dman (9:12:52 PM): so i keep looking
pwn3dman (9:13:03 PM): i liked you for a while
Jrkookid has just joined the chat.
pwn3dman (9:13:06 PM): ya know
pwn3dman (9:13:09 PM): 6th grade
Jrkookid (9:13:10 PM): wtf is this shit?
thatshottxlauren (9:13:11 PM): oh, that's nice. i helped you did i?
pwn3dman (9:13:16 PM): i was confident
pwn3dman (9:13:23 PM): but you were
pwn3dman (9:13:28 PM): like the rest of em
pwn3dman (9:13:52 PM): so
thatshottxlauren (9:13:54 PM): see now heres the problem with you dave, sometimes... you just take things a little too far.
pwn3dman (9:14:09 PM): oh, indeed i do
thatshottxlauren (9:14:13 PM): but i
thatshottxlauren (9:14:48 PM): but i'm so glad that i helped you, i feel so much better about myself(: it's time someone finally did though.
pwn3dman (9:15:06 PM): Listen, you little smartass,
Jrkookid (9:15:13 PM): are u talkin to meh?
pwn3dman (9:15:20 PM): you see...
pwn3dman (9:15:34 PM): no matter how sarcastic you can be...
pwn3dman (9:15:41 PM): it wont matter
Jrkookid (9:15:42 PM): wuht doesnt matter?
thatshottxlauren (9:15:43 PM): no i honestly really truly don't wanna see anymoree.
thatshottxlauren (9:15:51 PM): nothing matters to you now does it ?!?
pwn3dman (9:16:04 PM): oh, not at all, my dear.
pwn3dman (9:16:27 PM): im quite capabble
pwn3dman (9:16:37 PM): of getting over things
pwn3dman (9:16:41 PM): quite quickly
Jrkookid (9:16:59 PM): no ur not hehe
pwn3dman (9:17:05 PM): screw u kookid!
thatshottxlauren (9:17:30 PM): hm, that doesn't sound right to me, now i recall you telling me, you go into like long term depression for 3 days? what your a liar now too ?
Jrkookid (9:17:41 PM): ur a fucking slut u kno tht?
thatshottxlauren (9:17:49 PM): WTF IS THIS?!?!?! nvm...
SolidusKAYOS has just signed in.
SolidusKAYOS has just joined the chat.

Comment or continue.
2008 Dec 4 at 04:37 UTC — Ed. 2008 Dec 4 at 04:43 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
I eat my ex-girlfriends.
2008 Dec 4 at 08:27 UTC
Mate de Vita

2008 Oct 4 • 2453
159 ₧
aaronjer said:
I eat my ex-girlfriends.

literally or metaphorically? or maybe both?
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2008 Dec 4 at 13:59 UTC
Owner of George Washington's Prototype Mittens

Marine Warfare Corporal
Find the Hole Participation Medal
Find the Hole II Participation Medal
Tasty Br�twurst Medal
2005 May 2 • 2066
404 ₧
I wonder who pwnd whom more.
2008 Dec 4 at 14:03 UTC — Ed. 2008 Dec 4 at 14:04 UTC
Mate de Vita

2008 Oct 4 • 2453
159 ₧
molkman said:
I wonder who pwnd whom more.

well dave's nick pwn3dman probably isn't there for no reason
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2008 Dec 4 at 20:29 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
The put them in my mouth and eat them variety. It's usually like:
"You have failed me for the last time!"
2008 Dec 4 at 22:55 UTC — Ed. 2008 Dec 4 at 22:55 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
aaronjer said:

Sounds like you'd like the Heavy. You ought to meet the Sandvich.

Also I never bothered reading this. It was long, boring, and not as funny as BloodNinja.
2008 Dec 5 at 00:31 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
:O we get front seat entrance at this terrible,loser,webcam abuser youtube guy
Free Steam Games
2008 Dec 5 at 07:31 UTC
eDan Co.
Mighty Typist

Real Live Hands-On Rabbi Medal
Consolation Medal
2007 Sep 24 • 2921
252 ₧
Your conversation reminded me of this...
May contain traces of invisible text.
2008 Dec 5 at 09:41 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
2008 Dec 5 at 12:47 UTC
Half Irish, half NOT FUNNY

2007 May 27 • 1415
110 ₧
wow havokk didnt even comment back on my last post
2008 Dec 6 at 00:58 UTC
Count Adelaide

Roar Of The Tigress Medal
2007 Jun 24 • 84
68 ₧
jrkookid said:
Havokk Edge said:
I'm 93% Angel

YEA RIGHT!!!! you put gay sex on the forum and changed it to pretty ponies!

i dont like pretty ponies why ot unicorns? unicorns are awesome

I didn't get why a lie like that would have something to do with me being an angel.
Make awkward sexual advances, not war.
Down Rodeo said:
Dammit, this was the one place that didn't have this, but noooooo, molkman pisses all over that
2008 Dec 6 at 02:06 UTC
eDan Co.
Mighty Typist

Real Live Hands-On Rabbi Medal
Consolation Medal
2007 Sep 24 • 2921
252 ₧
What are you guys even talking about?
May contain traces of invisible text.
2008 Dec 6 at 20:52 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
2008 Dec 7 at 02:50 UTC

2008 Nov 28 • 41
Tips to remember:

Don't EVER tell ANYONE you're depressed! ESPECIALLY not girlfriends (if it's not serious), and ESPECIALLY-DOUBLE not EX-GIRLFRIENDS

Don't be mean. Maybe she has a hot friend she'll introduce you to someday

Act like things affect you less than they do

Remember these tips and YOU TOO will never be made fun of behind your back!

Thanks for your help
2008 Dec 7 at 03:06 UTC
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