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2008 November 28
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Recent posts by Benefit1970

Recent posts by Benefit1970

2008 Dec 31 at 23:24 UTC
jrkookid said:
SaintzSeph said:

I did remember the password although no that I think of it, I could have just reset it again...


Yep, that's some clean Engrish there. No that I thnk of it, i realised that mebbe i have sum trubble using the write english ass well! I think that I shuld work on hoked on fonics! werked for me!

Call 1 - 800 - ABCDEFG ! ! !

2008 Dec 31 at 23:19 UTC
some very noobish questions in Hammer Mapping
It might be easier to just post a new question as a new post so people don't have to wade hip-deep into bullshit to find an answer to a simple question.


P.S. I love u
2008 Dec 31 at 23:14 UTC
Sky in Hammer Mapping
Ok, I have kept my mouth shut about this for long enough!!!!

I have read everything there is to read that hasn't been deleted over the years, and still get conflicting advice about how to do your sky textures.

One place says make a box around your map. Another says no, that's retarded, just put a roof on it and make the roof your sky. Another says no, you stupid dumbass, you're supposed to extend your wall brushes up a few "feet" and turn that into sky, as WELL as a roof on your map!

So help me! What's the proper way to do your sky??? And also, if you want something like vertigo, were you can sort of see down "into" the sky from above, dont you HAVE to make a box around your map?

Give me your advice and screen shots (if possible).

Thanks in advance!

2008 Dec 27 at 00:15 UTC
superjer said:
Haha Santa eating dead commies. Nice.

Way too hard though. Or maybe it's just b/c my work-puter is slow.

OMFG HE'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2008 Dec 26 at 23:54 UTC
Eh, you guys are super jealous.

BTW, go to and search for an SNL skit called "Jizz in my pants." lol...

2008 Dec 24 at 21:19 UTC
Dude I edited as you posted that.

2008 Dec 24 at 21:17 UTC
With everything that's happened in the world, wouldn't you entertain the possibility that that the egg is, in fact, the chicken, and the chicken is the egg.??!?!?!


Did I just blow your mind?

Or just your load?


p.s. please don't tell me if you blew your load. that's gross. and dont ask why 'load' is white.
2008 Dec 13 at 17:23 UTC
Benefit1970 said:
Mate de Vita said:
aaronjer said:
I'd think most people would say they won "the" lottery, actually.

yeah, but you can't say that you won 10 000 000$ the lottery

btw no, I haven't forgotten, I'm writing this from under my bed.

You say, "Hey mothafu**ers!

Yeah, I said it! Mothafuzzers!

And if you have excessive body hair and take offense to being called fuzzy, then I suggest you bust out a carton of Gilletes and a bottle of Nair, 'cause ain't much else gonna change that. That shit's nasty. Just nasty.

2008 Dec 12 at 21:03 UTC
Mate de Vita said:
aaronjer said:
I'd think most people would say they won "the" lottery, actually.

yeah, but you can't say that you won 10 000 000$ the lottery

btw no, I haven't forgotten, I'm writing this from under my bed.

You say, "Hey mothafu**ers! I won $10,000,000 in the lottery, biotch! Yeah! Suck my wrinkles! Which wrinkles? You know which ones! The ones holdin' mah nutz, suckahhhH!!!!!!! But maybe I'll scoop 'em out and put the cash in so you know what's up!!!! AWWWWW YEAH!!!!!!!"

Just like that.

2008 Dec 11 at 19:01 UTC
Halp! Sewers! in Hammer Mapping
Thanks ya'll

I looked really close, and when I carved the floor with the cylinder, it not only broke the floor into triangles, the spaces between them were themselves cracks! I thought it wouldn't do that.

I like the arch idea. I will try all of this out and tell you how it goes!
