Compiling Problem.

Compiling Problem.

Hammer Mapping — Page [1] 2
2008 Jan 23 • 86
Hi, I made a very simple map (my first one) that is a basic room and im ready to play on it. I downloaded ZHLT and did everything in the guide, but I cant play it. Also: After the first time I tried to compile it, a bunch of files appeared in my zhlt folder. I also found the mapname.err or whatever its called but deleted it, and now it wont make another one if i have an error. Since I cant attach a picture because im a noob, this is what it says in the command prompt after I run the mapname.bat:

---------------End hlrad-------------

the system cannot find the path specified
0 file(s) copied.
press any key to continue.

after I do, nothing happens
2008 Jan 23 at 01:29 UTC — Ed. 2008 Jan 23 at 01:32 UTC
2008 Jan 21 • 10
was there a leak error in the DOS prompt box? Hammer REALLY doesnt like leaks.
2008 Jan 23 at 01:32 UTC
2008 Jan 23 • 86
2008 Jan 23 at 01:33 UTC
The Original Portmanteau

2005 Mar 22 • 12862
666 ₧
oh, that doesnt look like a leak problem, you just put the wrong path to your maps folder in. double check that, or even just lead it to your desktop and manually copy it in.
2008 Jan 23 at 02:22 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673
Yup. Check your path on the copy line. It's not right.

The compilers are supposed to generate a lot of files when you run them. If there's no .err file coming out, then there is no error. Don't be sad about that.
2008 Jan 23 at 04:34 UTC
2008 Jan 23 • 86
ok this is where I save everything based on what you said in the guide:

I make the new text document in zhlt253-17
I name it demo.bat
I go to hammer and click export to .MAP and then save it in zhlt253-17
I then edit the document, save, and then double click the demo.bat to run it.

The same problem appears
2008 Jan 23 at 21:40 UTC
The Original Portmanteau

2005 Mar 22 • 12862
666 ₧

in the .bat file, DOUBLE CHECK where you are telling zhlt to copy your map.
2008 Jan 24 at 01:57 UTC
2008 Jan 23 • 86
nope, Im pretty sure this is right.. i checked if there was a maps folder in cstrike and that is correct, and I copied and pasted the text from guide, but this is what is says:

@echo off
hlcsg -nowadtextures mapname
hlbsp mapname
hlvis mapname
hlrad mapname
copy mapname.bsp "C:\Steam\SteamApps\armen115\counter-strike\cstrike\maps"
"C:\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 10 -dev +sv_cheats 1 +map mapname
2008 Jan 24 at 02:17 UTC
The Original Portmanteau

2005 Mar 22 • 12862
666 ₧
well for ME, there is a "program files" right after c:/
navigate your way though the path by yourself and see if all the folders are there.
2008 Jan 24 at 02:35 UTC
2008 Jan 23 • 86
oooooo I see.... There is for me to.. so should I edit the .bat file? I think I have it right but let me know if i have all the lines right (\).

@echo off
hlcsg -nowadtextures mapname
hlbsp mapname
hlvis mapname
hlrad mapname
copy demo.bsp "C:\ProgramFiles\Steam\SteamApps\armen115\counter-strike\cstrike\maps"
"C:\ProgramFiles\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 10 -dev +sv_cheats 1 +map mapname
2008 Jan 24 at 02:43 UTC — Ed. 2008 Jan 24 at 02:44 UTC
The Original Portmanteau

2005 Mar 22 • 12862
666 ₧
that looks good. thats all that was wrong in the error you gave us, so as long as you added the right path and it all LOOKS good, it should be good.

now just double click.
2008 Jan 24 at 02:48 UTC
2008 Jan 23 • 86
ok after fiddling around with it, it takes a while to load and then it says: ---END HLRAD--- ( is it always supposed to say that) 1 file(s) copied.
2008 Jan 24 at 02:54 UTC — Ed. 2008 Jan 24 at 03:05 UTC
eDan Co.
Mighty Typist

Real Live Hands-On Rabbi Medal
Consolation Medal
2007 Sep 24 • 2921
252 ₧
Yes. that means you map is now in your maps folder.
May contain traces of invisible text.
2008 Jan 24 at 05:34 UTC
The Original Portmanteau

2005 Mar 22 • 12862
666 ₧
just try to play it like normal now.
2008 Jan 24 at 18:22 UTC
2008 Jan 23 • 86
Hey...I opened demo.bsp with steam and then counter strike opened and created a local server and i could see my map. The only problem was that i didnt have hands.. i could move around and jump and you could hear my footsteps but didnt have hands. is this supposed to be like this?

ps. ever since i made the map, it says yellow things in the top left corner of my screen ( everything going on in the game)
for example: i went to a server then when someone left the server, it said theplayersname dropped.
2008 Jan 24 at 21:23 UTC — Ed. 2008 Jan 24 at 21:27 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673
Try starting a new server on your map and see if you have hands. If not, make sure you have both info_player_starts and info_player_deathmatches in your map.

The yellow text just means developer mode is on. You can turn it off in the console with: developer 0

It will only be on when you use the batch file to launch the game.
2008 Jan 24 at 21:48 UTC
2008 Jan 23 • 86
ok so I made sure there were both start points and then added a gun to the room and the same problem happend.. When i go to pickup the gun its fine, I see my hands, and can also shoot. If this helps you, there was no disconnect option, only resume game.

2008 Jan 24 at 22:57 UTC
The Original Portmanteau

2005 Mar 22 • 12862
666 ₧
it seems that your "player" doest "start" with a "gun". To "fix" "your" problem, put "your" armory "entity" directly "above" your "player" to make "it" fall on the "player" when the "round" "starts".
2008 Jan 24 at 23:47 UTC
2008 Jan 23 • 86
so should i make a usp fall for the ct and glock9 for the t?
2008 Jan 25 at 00:09 UTC — Ed. 2008 Jan 25 at 00:25 UTC
The Original Portmanteau

2005 Mar 22 • 12862
666 ₧
usually you dont have to do it, its default. do you have a game_player_strip anywhere in the map?
2008 Jan 25 at 00:12 UTC
2008 Jan 23 • 86
nope, dont know what that is
2008 Jan 25 at 00:13 UTC
The Original Portmanteau

2005 Mar 22 • 12862
666 ₧
ok, its something that takes everyones guns away.
hmm. i dont know why guns arnt already there, but if you just put the guns above a players head at spawn, it will fix it.
2008 Jan 25 at 00:19 UTC
2008 Jan 23 • 86
there was no bullets, health and radar showing.... and also, there is no knife,glock or usp to place as an entity. I tried to make it so I start with the weapons, but that doesnt work also.
Although, unlike before, the .bat file works when I open it.
2008 Jan 25 at 00:22 UTC — Ed. 2008 Jan 25 at 01:06 UTC

2007 Oct 24 • 990
13 ₧
didn't you put a "player_equip" in your map somewhere ?? cause that gives you weapons but by default it takes away your knife and pistol

sry if im talkin nonsense .
Wtf is that ? its a bird ! no its a plane ! amm maybe its a plastic bag . NO ! its SUPERJER ! the greatest super hero ever!
2008 Jan 25 at 15:10 UTC
2008 Jan 23 • 86
there is no such thing as that entity.
2008 Jan 25 at 20:39 UTC
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