ahhhh errors galore! (im not sure what that word means) :)

ahhhh errors galore! (im not sure what that word means) :)

Hammer Mapping — Page [1] 2

2006 Nov 7 • 58
14 ₧
okeeeey i was compiling my map and i got some errors and i opened the err file and it says... hlcsg: Error: Entity 163, Brush 2, Side 0: plane with no normal

hlcsg: Error: plane with no normal
Description: The map has a problem which must be fixed
Howto Fix: Check the file ZHLTProblems.html for a detailed explanation of this problem

hlcsg: Error: Entity 163, Brush 2, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (-389, 179, -3200), texture ORIGIN

hlcsg: Error: Entity 163, Brush 2, Side 6: has a coplanar plane at (-388, 176, -3200), texture ORIGIN

hlcsg: Error: Entity 163, Brush 2, Side 8: has a coplanar plane at (-389, 173, -3200), texture ORIGIN

hlcsg: Error: Entity 163, Brush 2, Side 10: has a coplanar plane at (-392, 172, -3200), texture ORIGIN

hlcsg: Error: Entity 163, Brush 2, Side 12: has a coplanar plane at (-395, 173, -3200), texture ORIGIN

hlcsg: Error: Entity 163, Brush 2, Side 14: has a coplanar plane at (-396, 176, -3200), texture ORIGIN

hlcsg: Error: Entity 163, Brush 2, Side 16: has a coplanar plane at (-395, 179, -3200), texture ORIGIN

hlcsg: Error: Entity 163, Brush 2, Side 17: has a coplanar plane at (-394, 180, -3200), texture ORIGIN

lol how do i fix them?, theyre all the same error...lol theyre all the same brush too...
2006 Nov 15 at 02:29 UTC

2006 Nov 7 • 58
14 ₧
lol ok i just totaly deleted that brush and im adding a new one... lets see if this fixes it
2006 Nov 15 at 02:32 UTC

2006 Nov 7 • 58
14 ₧
uhhh.... when i deleted that one and made a new one it still says theres a problem with brush 2 just like the 1st one, cept now its a different brush
2006 Nov 15 at 02:44 UTC

2006 Nov 7 • 58
14 ₧
soo.... i need help :)
2006 Nov 15 at 02:44 UTC

2006 Nov 7 • 58
14 ₧
does this mean theres overlaping brushes? i thought this wouldnt create a problem
2006 Nov 15 at 02:48 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681
Use Map->Check for Problems.

Fix them.
2006 Nov 15 at 03:36 UTC

2006 Nov 7 • 58
14 ₧
well when i do that theres a bunch of stupid errors that arent even in my err. file, some of them are that a solid button consists of no solid objects, i dont think these errors will even effect game play
2006 Nov 15 at 03:38 UTC

2006 Nov 7 • 58
14 ₧
im not exactly looking into my valve hammer right now when i say this but my sisters on the computer that has that and my map and steam installed on it, but i have tried the check map for problems thing and it was always stupid stuf that shouldnt even be errors
2006 Nov 15 at 03:41 UTC

2006 Nov 7 • 58
14 ₧
crap! fixed all that stuff in ther cept the solid ones and theres still an error with brushes, here it is...

hlcsg: Error: Entity 201, Brush 0, Side 7: has a coplanar plane at (-392, 174, -3200), texture ORIGIN

hlcsg: Error: brush with coplanar faces
Description: The map has a problem which must be fixed
Howto Fix: Check the file ZHLTProblems.html for a detailed explanation of this problem

hlcsg: Error: Entity 201, Brush 0, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (-393, 178, -3200), texture ORIGIN
2006 Nov 15 at 12:14 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681


Most errors that show up in Check for problems should be fixed.

The no solid objects problem can cause all kinds of compiling errors.

The .err file and Check for Problems are not, and are not supposed to be the same thing.

Check for Problems is Hammer's detection system for things in your map you CAN build but that make no sense.

The .err file results when the compilers fail, often because your map has parts that make no sense.

The compilers are much pickier than Hammer. Hammer will let you build all sorts of crazy paradoxical shit, but the compilers have to conform to the game engine, and can't handle stuff like that.
2006 Nov 15 at 20:42 UTC

2006 Nov 7 • 58
14 ₧
well these spots that the compilers are having problems with are like stupid things like walls and floors
2006 Nov 15 at 20:58 UTC

2006 Nov 7 • 58
14 ₧
and im not really sure how to go about fixing these coplanar plane errors what would i have to do?
2006 Nov 15 at 21:05 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681
Coplanar planes means that more than one face on your brush are in the same plane.

Like this:

| |
| |
| |

As you can see, the top of the brush has TWO faces where there should be only 1. You need to delete the brush or move the vertex.
2006 Nov 15 at 21:53 UTC

2006 Nov 7 • 58
14 ₧
buuuut theres only one problem, i cant find the brush thats causeing the problem, heres what brush im looking for

hlcsg: Error: Entity 201, Brush 0, Side 7: has a coplanar plane at (-392, 174, -3200), texture ORIGIN

hlcsg: Error: Entity 201, Brush 0, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (-393, 178, -3200), texture ORIGIN

...notice how theyre both in the same entity and same brush, when i search brushes and put in entity 201 and brush 0 it says it doesnt exist, what hapened?
(by the way im goin to, map->go to brush number)
2006 Nov 15 at 21:59 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681
Try just Entity 201 and do not type 0 for the brush.

I don't really use the brush-finder-thingy so I don't trust it.

It should also show up in Map->Check for Problems. But that isn't 100% reliable either.

Or you can go look at what's at (-392,174,-3200).

That's 392 inches west, 174 inches north of the center of your map. The coordinates are shown in the status bar in Hammer when you mouseover the 2D windows.
2006 Nov 15 at 22:04 UTC — Ed. 2006 Nov 15 at 22:56 UTC

2006 Nov 7 • 58
14 ₧
superjer is there anyway i can like send u my map so u can find where this is? im no good at finding coordinates, and plus the finding entity thing doesnt work
2006 Nov 15 at 22:13 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681
I'm sorry I don't have time to look at people's maps. I used to do that but it takes up too much of my time.

You can find the coordinates. Turn the grid to the smallest (press [[/b] a lot) and then move your mouse into the top (x/y) window.

At the bottom of Hammer you should see something like @101, -47. You are looking for @-392, 174 which is left and up from the center of the map.
2006 Nov 15 at 22:57 UTC

2006 Nov 7 • 58
14 ₧
o ok ty
2006 Nov 15 at 22:58 UTC

2006 Nov 7 • 58
14 ₧
2006 Nov 16 at 01:20 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681
It could be a large brush, and you could be zoomed in too far. Is there NOTHING around there?
2006 Nov 16 at 01:27 UTC

2006 Nov 7 • 58
14 ₧
well there is a room that is above the map where you get teleported to, but thats it, the spot where the brush is "supposed" to be is away from any brushes and im not zoomed in far cause the blacks not even on the grids
2006 Nov 16 at 01:43 UTC

2006 Nov 7 • 58
14 ₧
lol this would be way easier if u could look at my map =p this is my first map so i dont know much
2006 Nov 16 at 01:57 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681
Even if I look at your map it's not going to help you fix your own problems the next time.

If there is really no brush there and it doesn't show up in Check For Problems then this is something I haven't even seen before.

You're going to have to:

1. backup your map
2. delete half your map
3. compile and see if the problem is there still, then you'll know which half it is in
4. Repeat on the suspect half until you find what is REALLY the problem

As far as I know, that is the only way to solve mystery problems like this. And it is very time consuming.
2006 Nov 16 at 02:24 UTC

2006 Nov 7 • 58
14 ₧
ok ill just assume backin up my map means like saving it to the desktop or somethin
2006 Nov 16 at 12:24 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5126
1,227 ₧
You don't have to actually find out what the problem is... you can just delete everything in the 'problem half' once it gets down small enough to easily remake.
2006 Nov 16 at 20:26 UTC
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