a cool flash site

a cool flash site

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He's an Ug_Man!

2005 May 3 • -591
here is a cool site that has some flash and other funni stuff.

here is one that is so stupid i had to watch it twice.it's so stupid if u watch it i bet you wont finish, but enjoy.

<superjer> What? It is? Where? Huh? Hey -- scones!
2005 May 4 at 23:09 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6687
gprime.net was the first place to mirror McDiddy's I think. I try to check that site for new cool fun stuff as often as I can. Stuff I really like I mirror here at superjer.com since that seems to be the modus operandi.
2005 May 5 at 00:33 UTC
He's an Ug_Man!

2005 May 3 • -591
i check it often its cool.
<superjer> What? It is? Where? Huh? Hey -- scones!
2005 May 5 at 10:46 UTC
Owner of George Washington's Prototype Mittens

Marine Warfare Corporal
Find the Hole Participation Medal
Find the Hole II Participation Medal
Tasty Br�twurst Medal
2005 May 2 • 2066
404 ₧
there are many good ones...
2005 May 5 at 11:18 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
random pure and simple is FUCKING funny
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 May 5 at 14:42 UTC
Owner of George Washington's Prototype Mittens

Marine Warfare Corporal
Find the Hole Participation Medal
Find the Hole II Participation Medal
Tasty Br�twurst Medal
2005 May 2 • 2066
404 ₧
the forum sucks... nobody is responding...
2005 May 6 at 08:17 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
who cares. supjer forum rules
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 May 6 at 09:36 UTC
Owner of George Washington's Prototype Mittens

Marine Warfare Corporal
Find the Hole Participation Medal
Find the Hole II Participation Medal
Tasty Br�twurst Medal
2005 May 2 • 2066
404 ₧
kinda true.
2005 May 6 at 09:36 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
VERY true
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 May 6 at 09:51 UTC
He's an Ug_Man!

2005 May 3 • -591
what do you all think of the fash games?
<superjer> What? It is? Where? Huh? Hey -- scones!
2005 May 6 at 18:24 UTC
Owner of George Washington's Prototype Mittens

Marine Warfare Corporal
Find the Hole Participation Medal
Find the Hole II Participation Medal
Tasty Br�twurst Medal
2005 May 2 • 2066
404 ₧
some are good, some are bad, but the best one is coming soon...
2005 May 6 at 21:04 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
wats the best one and y isnt it there yet?
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 May 6 at 22:56 UTC
He's an Ug_Man!

2005 May 3 • -591
ya some are ok. i dont play the games ver much. but hey check out the pics.
<superjer> What? It is? Where? Huh? Hey -- scones!
2005 May 7 at 01:29 UTC
Asshole Admin

1-Up Medal
2005 Mar 27 • 826
175 ₧
As for randompureandsimple...

Nothing says quality like public domain sound effects.
2005 May 7 at 01:41 UTC
He's an Ug_Man!

2005 May 3 • -591

ha a 1 word post kinda
<superjer> What? It is? Where? Huh? Hey -- scones!
2005 May 7 at 01:43 UTC
Owner of George Washington's Prototype Mittens

Marine Warfare Corporal
Find the Hole Participation Medal
Find the Hole II Participation Medal
Tasty Br�twurst Medal
2005 May 2 • 2066
404 ₧
randompureandsimple rocks! it's cool.
2005 May 7 at 09:32 UTC
He's an Ug_Man!

2005 May 3 • -591
cool so i guess im not the only one who likes it.
<superjer> What? It is? Where? Huh? Hey -- scones!
2005 May 7 at 13:21 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
i think its tedious
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 May 7 at 23:55 UTC
He's an Ug_Man!

2005 May 3 • -591
ya it does kinda drag out.

sniper vision is prity cool too.
<superjer> What? It is? Where? Huh? Hey -- scones!
2005 May 8 at 00:37 UTC — Ed. 2005 May 10 at 21:01 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
i didnt watch every movie on the site. i dont have that sort of time
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 May 9 at 07:32 UTC
He's an Ug_Man!

2005 May 3 • -591
i watch a couple each day.
<superjer> What? It is? Where? Huh? Hey -- scones!
2005 May 10 at 01:16 UTC
Tendrils McGee

2005 Mar 21 • 1375
34 ₧
I watch your mom
2005 May 10 at 03:02 UTC
He's an Ug_Man!

2005 May 3 • -591
what does she look like then?
<superjer> What? It is? Where? Huh? Hey -- scones!
2005 May 10 at 21:02 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
ugliest bitch ive ever seen
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2005 May 13 at 10:58 UTC
He's an Ug_Man!

2005 May 3 • -591
ypu can have your opinion but you have never even seen my mom.

but i did find yours'
<superjer> What? It is? Where? Huh? Hey -- scones!
2005 May 14 at 19:31 UTC
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