What is the difference between ddr1 and ddr2?

What is the difference between ddr1 and ddr2?

Vidja Games — Page [1]
2009 Nov 5 • 1
Hi i am Melina Corbett. I want to know what is the difference between ddr1, ddr2 and ddr3?
EDIT: Overly suspicious links removed.
2009 Nov 5 at 13:10 UTC
polly pushy pants

2008 Aug 1 • 3081
-6 ₧
dance dance revaluton

nah i know what it is i gess more ram >..>
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2009 Nov 5 at 13:33 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
Judging from the weird and fake signature I would guess that is not a real person or a real question. Therefore I will not answer.
2009 Nov 5 at 14:34 UTC
eDan Co.
Mighty Typist

Real Live Hands-On Rabbi Medal
Consolation Medal
2007 Sep 24 • 2921
252 ₧
Another Indian bot...
May contain traces of invisible text.
2009 Nov 5 at 15:28 UTC

2008 May 18 • 543
melinacorbett5 said:
Hi i am Melina Corbett. I want to know what is the difference between ddr1, ddr2 and ddr3?
EDIT: Overly suspicious links removed.

And the:
"I want to know what is the difference between ddr1, ddr2 and ddr3?"
Should be:
"I want to know what the difference between DDR1, DDR2 and DDR3 is?
2009 Nov 5 at 16:45 UTC — Ed. 2009 Nov 5 at 16:45 UTC
Owner of George Washington's Prototype Mittens

Marine Warfare Corporal
Find the Hole Participation Medal
Find the Hole II Participation Medal
Tasty Br�twurst Medal
2005 May 2 • 2066
404 ₧
In the end, you would have been the least person I expected grammar corrections from...
2009 Nov 5 at 20:26 UTC

2008 May 18 • 543
molkman said:
In the end, you would have been the least person I expected grammar corrections from...

In the end, you would have been the least person I expected to say that I was the least person to grammar correct the bot.
2009 Nov 5 at 20:50 UTC
polly pushy pants

2008 Aug 1 • 3081
-6 ₧
chances are he clicked on it and his clock went to military time
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2009 Nov 6 at 00:25 UTC
Half Irish, half NOT FUNNY

2007 May 27 • 1415
110 ₧
DDR1 is actually just DDR and its crap you should get DDR2 or DDR3 but only if your motherboard is compatible with it. If not, then you are in one heck of a pickle.
2009 Nov 11 at 11:06 UTC — Ed. 2009 Nov 11 at 11:07 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
What you just said was stupid on at least 2 levels.
2009 Nov 11 at 12:19 UTC
fedex _

2009 Mar 23 • 910
13 ₧
lets see whats the difference , absolutly nothing
melloyellow582 said:
I post sometimes, to make a point.
2009 Nov 11 at 17:01 UTC
Half Irish, half NOT FUNNY

2007 May 27 • 1415
110 ₧
Well it is! DDR2 and 3 are better than DDR you can't say that I am wrong about that.
2009 Nov 11 at 19:21 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
Okay. Here we go:

1. Nobody ever asked an actual question.

2. If somebody did, saying "DDR is crap, get DDR2 or DDR3" doesn't answer the question. They asked what the difference was, not which one is better or which they should get. You didn't even bother to say that there is a speed difference... for all the hypothetical person knew it could be that DDR is really fast but breaks your computer.
2009 Nov 12 at 03:37 UTC
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