wackey religens

wackey religens

General — Page [1]
polly pushy pants

2008 Aug 1 • 3081
-6 ₧

this is #1 of 10


Nuwaubianism is an umbrella term used to refer to the doctrines and teachings of the followers of Dwight York. The Nuwaubians originated as a Black Muslim group in New York in the 1970s, and have gone through many changes since. Eventually, the group established a headquarters in Putnam County, Georgia in 1993, which they have since abandoned. York is now in prison after having been convicted on money laundering and child molestation charges, but Nuwaubianism endures. York developed Nuwaubianism by drawing on a wide range of sources which include Theosophy-derived New Age movements such as Astara as well as the Rosicrucians, Freemasonry, the Shriners, the Moorish Science Temple of America, the revisionist Christianity & Islam and the Qadiani cult of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the numerology of Rashad Khalifa, and the ancient astronaut theories of Zecharia Sitchin. White people are said in one Nuwaubian myth to have been originally created as a race of killers to serve blacks as a slave army, but this plan went awry. Here is a list of some of the more unusual Nuwaubian beliefs:

1. It is important to bury the afterbirth so that Satan does not use it to make a duplicate of the recently-born child
2. Furthermore, some aborted fetuses survive their abortion to live in the sewers, where they are being gathered and organized to take over the world
3. People were once perfectly symmetrical and ambidextrous, but then a meteorite struck Earth and tilted its axis causing handedness and shifting the heart off-center in the chest
4. Each of us has seven clones living in different parts of the world
5. Women existed for many generations before they invented men through genetic manipulation
6. Homo sapiens is the result of cloning experiments that were done on Mars using Homo erectus
7. Nikola Tesla came from the planet Venus
8. The Illuminati have nurtured a child, Satan
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2010 Feb 8 at 04:53 UTC
IS what she said.

2007 Oct 21 • 912
41 ₧
I would just like to point out that you posted this twice O.e
But even then, I had my honor. The largest Banora White tree grew on a wealthy man's estate. It was rumored, that those apples tasted the best, but I never stole from that tree, because the wealthy man's son, was my friend...
2010 Feb 8 at 20:37 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
2010 Feb 8 at 20:43 UTC

Chrome Whore
2009 Sep 6 • 2547
10 ₧
Rockbomb said:

And, to think, that Christianity is the largest, most excepted religion. Oh the irony.

the_cloud_system said:
Black Muslim

Hey, look, it is Obama.
2010 Feb 8 at 21:06 UTC — Ed. 2010 Feb 8 at 21:08 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
2010 Feb 8 at 22:42 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
I'm pretty sure it is the biggest, actually. Christianity is enormous. It's like twice the size of any other religion at least. Except maybe Islam... there's a lot of those mofos, but they still can't beat Christianity.

I suppose I should add that realistically the majority of people are non-religious. Tons of people declare themselves as an adherent but they never practice the religion and have never even read the holy texts. I suppose you should call those people "atheists/agnostics/deists in denial".
2010 Feb 9 at 03:22 UTC — Ed. 2010 Feb 9 at 03:30 UTC
Count Adelaide

Roar Of The Tigress Medal
2007 Jun 24 • 84
68 ₧
I'm Agnostic.
Make awkward sexual advances, not war.
Down Rodeo said:
Dammit, this was the one place that didn't have this, but noooooo, molkman pisses all over that
2010 Feb 9 at 21:22 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
I've always wondered, doesn't claiming to be agnostic make you an atheist? Like, to truly be agnostic, you'd have to never claim to be agnostic unless your asked... right?
2010 Feb 9 at 21:37 UTC
Count Adelaide

Roar Of The Tigress Medal
2007 Jun 24 • 84
68 ₧
Rockbomb said:
I've always wondered, doesn't claiming to be agnostic make you an atheist? Like, to truly be agnostic, you'd have to never claim to be agnostic unless your asked... right?

Actually a Agnostic and Atheist is very differnt.

Atheist: Does not believe in anything whatsoever.
Agnostic: Believes in Anything / Has not enough proof to believe in a religion yet.

Some people might call agnostic Pussy Atheists but i dont see why since they are both actually different. I could totally believe in god if the Bible was the only proof he can lay out. Shit anyone can write a damn book long as they have ink. And theres so many other religions whats the chances this ones right? Not counting the religions Aliens(if are any) might have? Just not enough proof for me to settle in to pray to a god that may not exist when theres no actually proof hes there. Seeing is believing.

So more of a Fence sitter. I like to hear some things about other religions but i hate it when people get pissy with me and or calls me Atheist.
Make awkward sexual advances, not war.
Down Rodeo said:
Dammit, this was the one place that didn't have this, but noooooo, molkman pisses all over that
2010 Feb 9 at 22:42 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
You know, I think my own views of what atheism and agnosticism are are different from what they actually are. I've always kinda viewed it as: They are both the belief that basically religion is false. The difference in them would be that atheistic people will preach it, where people that are agnostic just really don't care, and wouldn't argue that religion is false.

After a little googling just now, I found out thats not at all what either of them mean... which is good because I've always called myself agnostic without really knowing exactly what it means.
2010 Feb 9 at 23:15 UTC
Half Irish, half NOT FUNNY

2007 May 27 • 1415
110 ₧
Rockbomb said:
are are

2010 Feb 10 at 04:51 UTC
Count Adelaide

Roar Of The Tigress Medal
2007 Jun 24 • 84
68 ₧
Rockbomb said:
You know, I think my own views of what atheism and agnosticism are are different from what they actually are. I've always kinda viewed it as: They are both the belief that basically religion is false. The difference in them would be that atheistic people will preach it, where people that are agnostic just really don't care, and wouldn't argue that religion is false.

After a little googling just now, I found out thats not at all what either of them mean... which is good because I've always called myself agnostic without really knowing exactly what it means.

Honestly yes i don't really care about religion though im not against everyone els having a religon. I dont mind hearing about religon if they are trying tolearn me rather than convert me. i don;'t think anyone truly knows whats going to happen when our lives our over..(maybe we will return to mother? ) Its not like im against it like a Atheist might be.

"In some senses, agnosticism is a stance about the differences between belief and knowledge, rather than about any specific claim or belief."-Wiki

"Atheism, defined most narrowly, is the position that there are no deities. More broadly defined, it is the rejection of belief in the existence of any deities, with or without an assertion that no deities exist. The broadest definition classifies atheism as the absence of belief that any deities exist."-Wiki

1. a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience.
2. a person who denies or doubts the possibility of ultimate knowledge in some area of study.

However, Agnostic is put in the category with Atheism just because its not particular for a religion, i suppose there are just different types of Agnostics, some like me who just don't care about having their own religion, but don't mind to learn. Then theres whatever els.
Make awkward sexual advances, not war.
Down Rodeo said:
Dammit, this was the one place that didn't have this, but noooooo, molkman pisses all over that
2010 Feb 10 at 10:52 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6687
Actually you can be an agnostic atheist or an agnostic theist. Or a non-agnostic of either.

Agnosticism is the belief that something is unknowable. But it could still be believable. If you believe in God but you don't think your belief can be proven or known, you are an agnostic theist. Which most theists I've met are, since they claim to have faith not knowledge.

Atheism is the lack of belief in any God or gods. The belief that there are no gods anywhere, positively, is a special case of atheism called "strong atheism."

Personally I think both agnosticism and strong atheism are very strange beliefs since they both claim knowledge about the unknown. Agnostics claim to know that God/gods/whatever are unknowable, while strong atheists claim to know there are precisely zero gods/whatevers anywhere. I'm not sure how anyone could know either of these things.

Myself, I have exactly the same belief about God/gods as I have about unicorns. I don't believe that unicorns exist. I don't know positively that there are no unicorns. And I would be very surprised to learn that unicorns are real.
2010 Feb 11 at 08:46 UTC — Ed. 2010 Feb 11 at 08:51 UTC
IS what she said.

2007 Oct 21 • 912
41 ₧
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5im0Ssyyus undenieble Proof! that....Unicorns exist
But even then, I had my honor. The largest Banora White tree grew on a wealthy man's estate. It was rumored, that those apples tasted the best, but I never stole from that tree, because the wealthy man's son, was my friend...
2010 Feb 11 at 17:39 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
I'm with SuperJer on this one. Weak Atheism all the way. Weak Atheism can seem extremely similar to agnosticism to some people. It's a little annoying to have to put such a label on my belief in this matter, because that is how I decide whether or not I believe anything. I believe whatever there is more evidence for. Period. If angels were to descend from heaven and praise the Lord almighty before me I would instantly become very religious.
2010 Feb 11 at 18:49 UTC
Count Adelaide

Roar Of The Tigress Medal
2007 Jun 24 • 84
68 ₧
superjer said:
Actually you can be an agnostic atheist or an agnostic theist. Or a non-agnostic of either.

Agnosticism is the belief that something is unknowable. But it could still be believable. If you believe in God but you don't think your belief can be proven or known, you are an agnostic theist. Which most theists I've met are, since they claim to have faith not knowledge.

Atheism is the lack of belief in any God or gods. The belief that there are no gods anywhere, positively, is a special case of atheism called "strong atheism."

Personally I think both agnosticism and strong atheism are very strange beliefs since they both claim knowledge about the unknown. Agnostics claim to know that God/gods/whatever are unknowable, while strong atheists claim to know there are precisely zero gods/whatevers anywhere. I'm not sure how anyone could know either of these things.

Myself, I have exactly the same belief about God/gods as I have about unicorns. I don't believe that unicorns exist. I don't know positively that there are no unicorns. And I would be very surprised to learn that unicorns are real.

Well thats better worded.
Make awkward sexual advances, not war.
Down Rodeo said:
Dammit, this was the one place that didn't have this, but noooooo, molkman pisses all over that
2010 Feb 11 at 19:36 UTC
Homicidal Anatidae

2008 Mar 5 • 1169
633 ₧
I believe in the flying spaghetti monster, no one can prove it doesn't exist so it must be true...

2010 Feb 11 at 22:16 UTC
Mate de Vita

2008 Oct 4 • 2453
159 ₧
Killer-Duck said:
I believe in the flying spaghetti monster, no one can prove it doesn't exist so it must be true...

Holy cow!
Killer-Duck wrote something in the General section! The Apocalypse is coming! Run for the hills!
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2010 Feb 12 at 08:11 UTC — Ed. 2010 Feb 12 at 08:12 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
We have a strict rule about Pastafarians here. This is your first and least verbose warning.
2010 Feb 12 at 17:16 UTC

2008 May 18 • 543
Killer-Duck said:
I believe in the flying spaghetti monster, no one can prove it doesn't exist so it must be true...

You're pastafarian too !
2010 Feb 12 at 17:49 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
HAY! What did I say about Pastafarians?! Are you even listening?! No more of this shit or you'll both receive 5 demerits and a penalty coupon. The penalty coupon can be exchanged for any level one punishment package. If the coupon expires you'll be irreversibly killed.
2010 Feb 13 at 06:37 UTC

Chrome Whore
2009 Sep 6 • 2547
10 ₧
Aaronjer always knows the right things to say.
2010 Feb 13 at 06:47 UTC
Page [1]