Text on Wall??? HOW!?

Text on Wall??? HOW!?

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]

2005 Nov 17 • 121
26 ₧
ok listn up....

i have seen maps.....
like example hmm.... let us say...


i jsut compiled it from bsp to map to see how he does it.. AND ITS NOT WITH BLOCKS!

the text on the wall...
i have a program to do it with...
a 2d program....

and when i have handwrited my effect and compiled it into a .map....
it jsut comes up a Func_group

waht is wrong??? the program i use is Revolve....

but u see on the pic... its NOT created with blocks.....

tnx if someone can help me!
2006 Jan 2 at 23:22 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
You have to make a texture with words on it or use decals.
2006 Jan 3 at 02:10 UTC
Was: Tater Salad

Low Down Yellow-Bellied Star Stealin' Thief
Military Outstanding Volunteer Service
2005 Dec 2 • 85
25 ₧
For a nice bulging effect, u need to make 3d letters. I've seen 'em before. It looks cool! But, to make textures, just use Wally.

^ Earn FREE money!
2006 Jan 3 at 02:47 UTC

2005 Nov 17 • 121
26 ₧
WTF??? do u think im stupid or something??? :P
Both of yah
sup u to !

i know how to make textures with text
But i want 3d letters....

and NOBODY make a texteffect with drag ablock and form it,,,,

and i have trid to find out of this....
but not easy :S
2006 Jan 3 at 21:32 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
DON'T make 3d letters out of blocks.

You can only have a few before it causes a serious performance problem.

You shuold make a model instead. Look for a program called MilkShape 3d or if you have it, 3d Studio works too.

Google for some tuts on making Half-Life .mdl models.
2006 Jan 3 at 21:56 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655

Why do you think that your pic is not blocks? It looks like blocks to me.
2006 Jan 3 at 21:58 UTC
Was: pwnisher
2005 Apr 23 • 94
33 ₧
Couldn't you have all blocks by using vertex manipulation to cut down polys and either pulling it away from the wall by 1 unit or changing the entire message to a Func_wall?
2006 Jan 4 at 04:07 UTC

2005 Nov 17 • 121
26 ₧
LoL sup...

it isnt blocks...
i removed the thing over one of the "0"

so u can see....
i know its not blocks... (made with blocks on hammer)

it jsut cant be
2006 Jan 4 at 18:42 UTC
Was: pwnisher
2005 Apr 23 • 94
33 ₧
Post the map file so we can have a better, in depth view.
2006 Jan 5 at 23:11 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
Not blocks, eh?

Well I'm afraid you're wrong. There isn't anything else that shows up like that in Hammer.

Case closed.

Post the map please.
2006 Jan 6 at 22:05 UTC

2005 Nov 17 • 121
26 ₧
2006 Jan 6 at 23:41 UTC
Was: pwnisher
2005 Apr 23 • 94
33 ₧
Im sorry but that was made out of blocks, nice try though.
2006 Jan 7 at 00:13 UTC

2005 Nov 17 • 121
26 ₧
it cant be.......

it will be to advanced
i know a program who u can make it with
but when i compile a map file out of the 2d program i got
and open it in hamer

the only i can find on the map is func_group

what is that
2006 Jan 7 at 16:24 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
A func_group is a Quake-style entity.

I think dixi91 misunderstands the two types of entities.

1. Point Entities
Things like light and info_player_start are point entities. They contain no blocks. You create these with the light bulb tool.

2. Block Entities
Things like func_ladder and func_door are block entities. They DO contain blocks. You create these by building blocks, selecting them and pressing Ctrl+T (Tie to entity). This groups the blocks into an entity.

A func_group is basically the Quake version of HL's func_wall. I think. If you select it and press Ctrl+W (Move to world) it will release the blocks from the entity (func_group) and they will become ungrouped, normal blocks.
2006 Jan 9 at 17:59 UTC
SJA: Anti-Tank Medic

Shotgun Headshot Medal
2005 Mar 23 • 585
34 ₧
hey just had a cool idea for a map mua ha ha

make letters from blocks then use the carve tool to make holes in walls with words in like a giant woot on the wall now that would be cool
sorry i'm not intimidated by your stupidity http://www.whiteninjacomics.com
2006 Jan 10 at 09:46 UTC

2005 Jul 30 • 75
29 ₧
there are those "sprites"...
(\__/) (O.o ) (> < ) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination
2006 Jan 10 at 21:48 UTC
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