how to make a button activate a sound in all parts of the map?
2010 Aug 20 at 18:14 UTC
you should take into consideration like everyone else has said, tutorials.
2010 Aug 20 at 20:11 UTC
Ight let me get you this.
There are many advanced ways to do this, but let me get you the basics.
You need to make a func_button somewhere, we will come back to this later. Next you need to place a point entity of the type ambient_generic somewhere.
Now lets move onto the sound. It has to be less than about 3 minutes. In a very specific format:
11025 Hz
mono (1 channel)
8 bit pcm
Wav format
Now, make a folder in your cstrike/sound/ directory, usually the name of your map.
Back to your entities. Go to your ambient_generic. Set the path/filename to whatever folder you put your music in. That is anything after the cstrike/sound/ directory. Lets say you put the sound in cstrike/sound/ myUncleBob/trigger.wav. What you would put in your entity is myUncleBob/trigger.wav. Now set the flags "play everywhere," "start silent." name your ambient_generic something useful. Say you want it to play a trigger sound, name it soundTrigger or something. Go to your func_button, make the target soundTrigger (or whatever you named the ambient_generic).
2010 Aug 20 at 20:26 UTC
— Ed. 2010 Aug 20 at 20:27 UTC
having a problem i don't get sound in my map  did everything you told
and i have question to make sky i just choose sky texture and make box like a roof?
2010 Aug 21 at 11:18 UTC
— Ed. 2010 Aug 21 at 13:39 UTC
nob491 said: having a problem i don't get sound in my map  did everything you told
and i have question to make sky i just choose sky texture and make box like a roof?
Run the map. Check the console when it first loads, and when you walk through a trigger, or press the button. Post the results here
And, yes.
2010 Aug 21 at 17:15 UTC
This is a rare error. Anyways, it means that the amount of RAM allocated for the map (which is a fixed amount) is full. You have too many models, too many brushes, too many sounds, some models are way to big, some sounds are way to big, etc. Delete whatever is causing the problem.
Please don't delete posts.
2010 Aug 21 at 17:40 UTC
— Ed. 2010 Aug 21 at 17:40 UTC
still have problem with sound it doesn't load the map
i deleted the post becuse i fixed it
and there is 1 more problem when i comple it it shows that there are leaks but i dont know where
2010 Aug 22 at 13:35 UTC
— Ed. 2010 Aug 22 at 13:46 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
If you don't know where the leaks then why not JUST LOOK FOR THEM, HARD
2010 Aug 23 at 00:53 UTC
stop making things hard for him
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2010 Aug 23 at 01:58 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
:( or you could load the pts file into hammer to find the leak, n0b
2010 Aug 23 at 02:20 UTC
2010 Aug 23 at 09:59 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
When you compile the map you get a .pts file, you can load that into hammer by going to(I think) File >> load pointfile or something like that, and if you have hammer 3.5 it will lead you to the leak
2010 Aug 23 at 10:51 UTC
sraw you need to suck a dick, bigger that your dads
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2010 Aug 23 at 13:17 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
the_cloud_system said: sraw you need to suck a dick, bigger that your dads
So, about the size of his moms then?
2010 Aug 23 at 16:26 UTC
Warning: === LEAK in hull 0 ===
Entity info_player_start @ (-832,-768, 704)
i keep getting this leak don't know wwhat to do
is this because of playerstart do i have to delete it?
plz help fast
2010 Aug 23 at 19:22 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
nob491 said: Warning: === LEAK in hull 0 ===
Entity info_player_start @ (-832,-768, 704)
i keep getting this leak don't know wwhat to do
is this because of playerstart do i have to delete it?
plz help fast
Hidden within SRAW's doucheyness™, he actually gave you the advice you need. When you compile your map and get a leak, it creates a pointfile, which you can load into hammer and it will show you where the leak is.
Also, its not info_player_start thats causing the leak, but that is most likely the closest entity to the actual leak, so I'd look in that area.
2010 Aug 23 at 19:42 UTC
i don't get the point fail...
and how i do that i see things from far away
bad english
2010 Aug 23 at 20:00 UTC
The pointfile shows up as your-map-name.pts
You may need to increase the back clipping plane in Hammer's options in order to see further.
2010 Aug 24 at 01:00 UTC
i did that but it still looks like blurry from the beginning and when i take 2 maybe 3 steps it looks okay but i want it to looks ok from beginning
2010 Aug 24 at 10:15 UTC
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