Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
Fine, I'll make you one. What do you want it to be? (I'm not animating it)
2010 Jul 25 at 06:17 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
You don't have to man, I'm making one myself :O
2010 Jul 25 at 06:20 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
2010 Jul 25 at 06:56 UTC
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2010 Jul 25 at 06:58 UTC
Mate de Vita said: You're right sprinkles, that was pretty epic.
Have you guys seen the thread? 613 views and 100 replies in roughly 10 hours! To bad they closed my thread though I really wanted to post this video:
Sick vid
He is staying banned too!
2010 Jul 25 at 12:31 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
Reading threads like that makes me depressed. Honestly. There are 6 billion people in the world; if we all lived like the average American then we'd need three planet Earths. Therefore the world population should be 2 billion, assuming we all live like Americans; if we all lived in tiny cubes and never travelled more than ten miles I'm certain we could get 10 billion.
What I'm trying to say is that some people live unnecessary lives and I wish they'd try to improve them :)
2010 Jul 25 at 13:54 UTC

2008 Jul 5 • 583
295 ₧
Down Rodeo said: What I'm trying to say is that some people live unnecessary lives and I wish they'd simply die :)
The rest was too boring to quote.
But I agree. Lets kill everybody on earth, except me and 1.9... billion people.
Today's post brought to you by the letter: "heck".
2010 Jul 25 at 13:59 UTC
*****'n Admin

2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
Personally, I don't really care what happens after I'm dead, so I'm not wildly interested in preserving the Earth. Not that I'm particularly wasteful or anything.
2010 Jul 25 at 14:09 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
I plan to live forever, so really I'm being selfish.
2010 Jul 25 at 14:24 UTC
Down Rodeo said: I plan to live forever, so really I'm being selfish.
2010 Jul 25 at 15:15 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
SRAW said: I did it!
Edit: Even after I offered to make you one, you spend extra effort to RE-copy mine... thats pretty fucked up.
2010 Jul 25 at 16:15 UTC
— Ed. 2010 Jul 25 at 18:26 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
Rockbomb said: SRAW said: I did it!
Edit: Even after I offered to make you one, you spend extra effort to RE-copy mine... thats pretty fucked up.
I didn't copy yours, I used my old one that didn't move then made it a gif
2010 Jul 26 at 01:24 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
SRAW said: Rockbomb said: SRAW said: I did it!
Edit: Even after I offered to make you one, you spend extra effort to RE-copy mine... thats pretty fucked up.
I didn't copy yours, I used my old one that didn't move then made it a gif
I believe you mean you used MY old one, and made it a gif.... like MINE that I made into a gif.
2010 Jul 26 at 01:25 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
Yep, but I didn't copy your rockbomb gif, just the old picture that was plane, so thats not much man
2010 Jul 26 at 01:27 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
SRAW said: Yep, but I didn't copy your rockbomb gif, just the old picture that was plane, so thats not much man
The part with my name has nothing to do with it... it wasn't even part of my sig when you stole it, I added it in later. You copied my sig exactly, then added some stupid ass text to the left. So yeah, it is much... its EXACTLY the same.
2010 Jul 26 at 01:29 UTC
and straw you kinda ruined it cause he is so post to be hiding.
its chris handson for god sakes
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2010 Jul 26 at 01:31 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
the_cloud_system said: and straw you kinda ruined it cause he is so post to be hiding.
its chris handson for god sakes
I think thats what bothers me the most, sraw doesn't even seem to know who chris hansen is. I mean, if you're gonna steal something from me and claim its yours, at least make it something worth claiming.
2010 Jul 26 at 01:32 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
the_cloud_system said: and straw you kinda ruined it cause he is so post to be hiding.
wtf did you just say? I mean your grammar is terrible...
2010 Jul 26 at 01:32 UTC
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2010 Jul 26 at 01:36 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
SRAW, if you aren't smart enough to figure out what he meant, please get off the internet, go retake gradeschool, and then maybe you can come back and try arguing with people.
2010 Jul 26 at 01:48 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
2010 Jul 26 at 02:22 UTC
For once..i dont have to say anything sraw...everyone beat me to it.
I'm so proud.
Make awkward sexual advances, not war. Down Rodeo said: Dammit, this was the one place that didn't have this, but noooooo, molkman pisses all over that 
2010 Jul 26 at 03:13 UTC
say, RB how did you make your sig, just the text not the gif
did you design it?
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2010 Jul 26 at 03:16 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
the_cloud_system said: say, RB how did you make your sig, just the text not the gif
did you design it?
I went on and picked out that sexy font, then applied a gradient overlay, a stroke, and a dropshadow to it. Nothin special, just wanted soemthing to fill the blank space
Edit: If you want that specific font, I believe it was called bladeline... too lazy to open up photoshop and double check.
2010 Jul 26 at 03:21 UTC
— Ed. 2010 Jul 26 at 03:22 UTC