Rocket Man
2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
So you only "supposedly" have a "friend" who "supposedly" has played in a map with a "ball" but just happens not to be to able to tell you the name of the map he "supposedly" played in but expects you to make a map, which you "supposedly" have the skill to do so, and with a ball the he only "supposedly" was to have played in.
So sushi, you DUMBFUCK, just make the ball a func_pushable, and then keep on pressing e on it, and eventually you'll be able to move fast in some direction, since the engine doesn't handle physics so well...
edit: but apparently you did it, so gj :clap clap:
2010 Jun 14 at 13:50 UTC
— Ed. 2010 Jun 14 at 13:51 UTC