New to Hammer

New to Hammer

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2006 May 2 • 4
20 ₧
Hey, I'm new to hammer and map editing, and i'm having two problems with my map.

1. I'm trying to use water to go up to another floor while holding spacebar but I don't know how to get it to work

2. When I start the map to try and test everything it says that both teams are full

If anyone could help me, that would be great. :D Also, I'm not sure if I did the spawn points right.
2006 May 2 at 17:10 UTC

2005 Nov 17 • 121
26 ₧
1. u have to make the brush in Func_water to get a water constense

2. u have forgot to make spawns

CT spawns - Info_player_start

T spawns - Info_player_deathmatch

make 10 -15 off both and u get a nice spawn
2006 May 2 at 20:40 UTC
2006 May 2 • 4
20 ₧
Ok, thanks for #1 but I cant find the info_player_deathmatch
2006 May 2 at 22:01 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673
2006 May 2 at 22:14 UTC
2006 May 2 • 4
20 ₧
Yes, I have everything I need except for info_player_deathmatch
2006 May 2 at 22:50 UTC
2006 May 2 • 4
20 ₧
does anyone know what happened to it or where I could get another one?
2006 May 2 at 23:33 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673
That's extremely odd. Try downloading a new copy of the Expert FGD.
2006 May 3 at 16:35 UTC
Tendrils McGee

2005 Mar 21 • 1375
34 ₧
Or use a different entity and press "alt+tab" on it and type in "info_player_deathmatch" where the scroll down box is. If no values like "name" show up..then its gone >>
2006 May 5 at 02:52 UTC
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