Rawr, No lol, i mean "Babe gallery"
like there is "General"
I*ve just got this weird idea from fpsbanana..
its rediculess?? Telll me what u think .. lol
I pretty much just love Molkman in general. Also, why is it that Castle Crashers looks like it was drawn by Molkman? Did someone crawl into your brain and steal your imagination? Totally awesome game, though... there hasn't been a good beat 'em up since the mid 90's.
molkman Owner of George Washington's Prototype Mittens
2005 May 2 • 2066
404 ₧
I dont think it looks that much like my stuff. It might be like, the less detailed stuff, the more styles get similiar or sumfin, haha. I wish I had an Xbox to play it, but then again, it's the only argument for buying an xbox.