Need help with glass

Need help with glass

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2006 Apr 30 • 9
20 ₧
I have no glass texture and i have downloaded all .wad files for 1.6


Also how do i make a button that has a certain function such a "slay all cts"
or "slay all ts"

2006 May 3 at 22:44 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6684
"jumpman11372" said:
I have no glass texture and i have downloaded all .wad files for 1.6

There are glass textures in halflife.wad

"jumpman11372" said:
Also how do i make a button that has a certain function such a "slay all cts"
or "slay all ts"

There is no built-in way to do this. And it may not be possible at all, unless each team is stuck in their own area and can't enter each other's area. Then you can just use a couple of trigger_hurts.

I tried to get it to work one time using an infinite loop of triggers set off when each player spawns. One loop for T one loop for CT. Each one contains multithreaded message-events, one for each player. The loop gets trigger_changetargetted to a trigger_hurt when you push the button.

I never got it to work but I think I was close.
2006 May 4 at 01:54 UTC
Tendrils McGee

2005 Mar 21 • 1375
34 ₧
There is no way, unless Jesus comes and makes a new entity, to kill only one selected team. If you're doing like fort wars or something, and each team is stuck in their spawn, do what Superjer said and make a button trigger "trigger_hurt" doing like 250 damage just for safety. Careful though, if you're not running on a very good computer, then too many trigger_hurt deaths at the same time might crash, I've had experiences with this.

For glass look up "glass" in the little search box at the bottom of the browse, there are plenty of good glass textures in the halflife.wad.

Hopefully that helps..
2006 May 5 at 02:51 UTC
2006 Apr 30 • 9
20 ₧
thanks guys
2006 May 5 at 22:34 UTC
Page [1]