What do you mean lag? In what? How so?
2007 Jul 5 at 02:02 UTC
Well, I'll have about 1 minute of no lag in RCT3, then, a 2 minute lag spike, another 1 minute of no lag, then maybe around 3 minutes of lag aain.
Even with everything set down to High Performance.
Could it be that I'm running on a notebook?
2007 Jul 5 at 15:23 UTC
Does the computer get very hot while you play RCT3? Some hardware will run slower when it gets hot so it can cool down.
Have you checked for spyware and viruses? And with what programs? In SAFE mode?
What are the hardware requirements of the game compared to your computer?
2007 Jul 5 at 18:10 UTC
1. Does not get hot.
2. Check and check. I even scanned my registry for problems, un-installed, and re-installed.
3. I'm trying to enjoy RCT3 with no lag.
4. Who uses safe mode anymore?
5. Requirments:
Pentium 3 733 MHz or faster (Pentium 4 1.3 GHz recommended) I have a Pentium M 2.00 GHZ
128 MB RAM, 256 MB RAM for XP (256 MB, or 384 MB for XP recommended) I've got 2GB.
600 MB free space Not sure how much I got
2007 Jul 5 at 20:16 UTC
Um, you HAVE to use Safe Mode to remove really bad viruses and spyware. In regular mode they have too much control and can block you from deleting them.
What anti-spy-virus-ware are you using?
And make sure you have free space.
OH YEAH on my laptop when I have a laggy program, I set it's process priority to AboveNormal which helps a lot for most programs.
2007 Jul 5 at 20:50 UTC
Well, I'm using Windows Defender, because I don't feel like making someone drive down three towns over to a circuit city to buy one.
And, I shall try that AboveNormal thing. I didn't thing of that!
2007 Jul 5 at 21:44 UTC
Spyware free too?
I'll try it.
Also, changing the priority helped a bit. There's no more lag spikes, just a little slow framerate, but it's very smooth, and I can actaully work and enjoy RCT3 now.
(what would happen if I set the priority to "realtime"?)
2007 Jul 6 at 01:12 UTC
NEVER set priority to realtime. Realtime means NOTHING else gets to run INCLUDING Windows system stuff and that means your MOUSE and KEYBOARD usually.
2007 Jul 6 at 21:18 UTC
Metal does cocaine.

2005 Mar 21 • 1531
36 ₧
He's right. I made that very mistake.
Why the fuck do they have that anyway?
If you jump high enough you'll hurt your ankles when you land.
2007 Jul 7 at 00:46 UTC
haha, I tried it, and it closed as soon as I set it to "Realtime".
Well, I'm fine with a little slow framerate, but at least it's not 1 fps!
Thanks again, supes.
2007 Jul 7 at 01:15 UTC
ok sorry to bring back an old topic but i am in need of a new computer and wanting to build one myself (I know a fair bit about this kind of stuff)
so, superjer/anyone else, do you know a good detailed tutorial online about how to build a good computer?
2007 Sep 1 at 20:17 UTC
*****'n Admin

2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
You know... the how powerful your computer is and how spyware-free your computer is and how completely optimized your hardware and software is aren't the only factors.
There is one last very important factor: Does the software LIKE the hardware?
Software and hardware (especially drivers for video cards...) can have little faults that make some games not work correctly with certain hardware no matter what you do. For example, my computer contains lots of very fast things in it like a 8800 GTS... and Halo 2 runs like shit. Halo 2 simply does not like my 8800 GTS, and until nVidia comes out with drivers it likes there isn't a damn thing I can do about it. You may be experiencing a similar problem. Look up your hardware and see if anyone is talking about RCT3 having problems with it. Sometimes there is a fix... usually not.
2007 Sep 4 at 10:17 UTC
AaronJer have you tried using Omega's drivers instead?
I periodically switch between the 1st Party and Omega drivers because sometimes one works better than the other.
2007 Sep 8 at 01:56 UTC
On my lappy dog, I set D3D for CS to Optimal performance, and I'll get some lag spikes around 15 fps, randomly.
I'm downloading one of those drivers from that omega drivers site thing.
My lappy dog specs:
Intel Pentium M Processor 2.00
ATI Mobility RADEON X600
2 Gee's of RAM
2007 Sep 9 at 21:46 UTC