I love cows and monkeys including cookies :D
2010 Apr 6 at 23:34 UTC
— Ed. 2010 Apr 6 at 23:36 UTC
guys they told me i cant make server with my company that is cable and wireless they told me that they have a private IP soemthing like that so i cant if anyone knows another thing tell me please
I love cows and monkeys including cookies :D
2010 Apr 7 at 21:21 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
If they told you that you can't then it seems likely you can't.
2010 Apr 7 at 21:35 UTC
but maybe he is wrong i dont know
I love cows and monkeys including cookies :D
2010 Apr 7 at 22:05 UTC
It's possible they mean even your router's IP is private. If you have no access to a real IP then no, you can't run a server no matter what.
EDIT: Actually your WAN config says you're WAN IP is so I think you're totally screwed.
2010 Apr 7 at 22:19 UTC
— Ed. 2010 Apr 7 at 22:21 UTC
2010 Apr 7 at 22:34 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
2010 Apr 8 at 00:27 UTC
— Ed. 2010 Apr 8 at 00:28 UTC
Ok, i like that but i dont know how to order because the bottom part of the payment and that it says many options can u explain me each? i know that teamspea and ventrilo are server to speak and that but th hoster and that? cn u tell me which is better?
I love cows and monkeys including cookies :D
2010 Apr 8 at 22:09 UTC
can u tell me? i really want a server... for my clan :D clan open for u all :D ~[S^R]~ :D CS1.6
I love cows and monkeys including cookies :D
2010 Apr 12 at 23:38 UTC
2010 Apr 12 at 23:47 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
2010 Apr 13 at 00:18 UTC
yeah my mine is full of fuck bu can u tell me the difference of those 2 hosters?
I love cows and monkeys including cookies :D
2010 Apr 14 at 22:30 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
Ok... you want a counterstrike server, right?
So you select the option "Game server".
Then you need to pick the game; Pick counterstrike.
Then pick the amount of players you want to pay for.
Continue filling these options out until all fields are filled out.
When everything is ready to submit, click the "process order button".
2010 Apr 14 at 22:46 UTC
i knew that what i want is that in the last part thers 2 hosters which is betetr, i wanna know, and sorry for the late cuz my intenret is shit
I love cows and monkeys including cookies :D
2010 Apr 18 at 20:30 UTC
umm? no one can explain me?
I love cows and monkeys including cookies :D
2010 Apr 24 at 01:13 UTC
Half Irish, half NOT FUNNY

2007 May 27 • 1415
110 ₧
What are the two hosters?
2010 Apr 24 at 04:42 UTC
at the end of the order form, le tme take a picture.
I love cows and monkeys including cookies :D
2010 Apr 27 at 00:26 UTC
I love cows and monkeys including cookies :D
2010 Apr 27 at 00:34 UTC
— Ed. 2010 Apr 27 at 00:35 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
Dude seriously? I don't mean to go off on a rampage here, but good god, use some fuckin' common sense. If you are trying to set up a Counter Strike server, why would you even THINK about buying any option on that list other than "GAME SERVER".
Click game server, then it will magically give you a list of games to choose from. At that point, you need to pick the "Counterstrike 1.6" option... normally I'd consider that common sense, but I'm making an exception this time just for you.
Your on your own from there, if you can't figure it out, you probably shouldn't be trying to run a server anyway.
2010 Apr 27 at 00:40 UTC
ok what ever but theres a first time for all so right now its mines so if u wont help jsut dont comment and if it isnt a good one keep for u and dont say it, write it, send it, draw it or what ever.
I love cows and monkeys including cookies :D
2010 Apr 29 at 23:20 UTC
He's jus' mad, because his girl jus' left him (hence his avatar).
2010 Apr 29 at 23:48 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
nectar said: ok what ever but theres a first time for all so right now its mines so if u wont help jsut dont comment and if it isnt a good one keep for u and dont say it, write it, send it, draw it or what ever.
Man, I've done nothing BUT help you throughout this whole truck. Even in my last post while I was ranting, I told you exactly what you need to do to get it to work.
If by some chance, you truly didn't know what in IRC server is, it would have taken you 5 minutes to google it and read up on it. Not to mention there is the "Gaming server" option like two options above it.... which to me is pretty common sense to choose.
So don't even go there with me *makes angry face and shakes finger*
2010 Apr 30 at 01:18 UTC
So RB, you ever get that server up?
2010 May 2 at 18:33 UTC
umm.ok...thanks anyways... ps:sorry for ur girl friend, she seems to b nice and friendly
I love cows and monkeys including cookies :D
2010 May 10 at 19:21 UTC
You can tell that from a small ass picture? Whoa! Super human man (thing)!
2010 May 11 at 03:23 UTC