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2010 March 8
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I love cows and monkeys including cookies :D

Recent posts by nectar

Recent posts by nectar

2013 Feb 4 at 01:04 UTC
i tried it without them and none went on but none burned either.
2013 Feb 2 at 13:12 UTC
thx and i also wanted to ask, i made a dynamo that create 5v of energy but not constant, its the one we shake, left right left right not the one that spins. it produces energy for aobut 1 second, but will it power those 15 LEDs in paralel?
also is it nessesary the resistors?
2013 Feb 2 at 03:03 UTC
so i read about Parallel circuits and how they have the property of sharing energy and 1 battery powering lots of leds instad of a series one.but i dont get it to work, but i read also osmething about resistors and all that but i dont get it. for example, i want to connect 15 white LEDs of 3v (thats the seller told me) with about let say a 5-6v battery. how would it be in parallel?
2013 Jan 14 at 22:50 UTC
pc problems... in Vidja Games
hello, i thought u know alot about pc so i wanted to ask about a problem i got.
My computer wont turn on normally. the light will go on the blue one and the red one but then the red one turns off and no boot. when it works, the red will flash. I dont know the problem, first it hought ram, then energy, then video, now BIOS but i dont know, i get it to turn on randomly, trying to take all ram out, disconnecting and connecting all, connecting different outlet, reseting BIOS, nothing, today i jsut opened the CD thingy and it beep once then it turned on. i once got 8 beeps, another 9 and today 7. ?
2011 Oct 14 at 01:16 UTC
interesting things in Other Help
does anyone have any scientist easy experiments? like that milk with dish soup thing? that is fun please :D
2011 Aug 25 at 20:51 UTC
cant see vertical water in Hammer Mapping
2011 Aug 20 at 19:12 UTC
cant see vertical water in Hammer Mapping
nop, just a brush (water one)and made func_water
2011 Aug 20 at 18:24 UTC
cant see vertical water in Hammer Mapping
2011 Aug 17 at 22:15 UTC
cant see vertical water in Hammer Mapping
any idea?
2011 Aug 17 at 20:26 UTC
cant see vertical water in Hammer Mapping
made a bursh verticaly and then func_water?