LEDs and circuit and ahhh

LEDs and circuit and ahhh

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2010 Mar 8 • 232
so i read about Parallel circuits and how they have the property of sharing energy and 1 battery powering lots of leds instad of a series one.but i dont get it to work, but i read also osmething about resistors and all that but i dont get it. for example, i want to connect 15 white LEDs of 3v (thats the seller told me) with about let say a 5-6v battery. how would it be in parallel?
I love cows and monkeys including cookies :D
2013 Feb 2 at 03:03 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
2013 Feb 2 at 04:29 UTC
2010 Mar 8 • 232
thx and i also wanted to ask, i made a dynamo that create 5v of energy but not constant, its the one we shake, left right left right not the one that spins. it produces energy for aobut 1 second, but will it power those 15 LEDs in paralel?
also is it nessesary the resistors?
I love cows and monkeys including cookies :D
2013 Feb 2 at 13:12 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
5v is 5v so yes that should be fine.

You need the resistors if you don't want your LEDs to burn out.
2013 Feb 3 at 23:37 UTC
2010 Mar 8 • 232
i tried it without them and none went on but none burned either.
I love cows and monkeys including cookies :D
2013 Feb 4 at 01:04 UTC
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