I'm so fucking tired of hearing about 9/11. I can't even watch tv or browse the web without hearing a hundred different people screaming "9/11 WE WILL NEVER FORGET" in my ear.
It's been ten god-damned years since it's happened, let's forget about it already. People get more excited about 9/11 than they do about Christmas... it sickens me.
What bothers me the most, is the little slogan that everyone is going around saying... "we will never forget". The entire point of the attacks that happened that day was that the terrorists wanted to send a message. The number one thing that the terrorists could ever achieve with an attack like that, is that we would never forget it.
And then everyone and their grandma goes around all day talking about how sorry they feel for the people that were killed in the twin towers. What about the people that were in the pentagon? Nobody gives a shit about them? What about the people that were in the plane that crashed into a field? They weren't in the world trade center, so they're not important enough to be remembered too?
I wish everyone would grow the fuck up and stop blindly following the media. And don't get me wrong... I'm not at all saying that we should forget about the people that died that day, especially if you knew them or were in some way connected to them. But those people should be remembered every day, not just today, and people should stop making such a huge deal out of an event like this... get over it and get off the media's dick.
Not to mention that there were only about 3,000 people that died that day. And I know you're saying "Wtf, ONLY 3,000? That's a lot!", but look at it this way: 107 thousand Iraqi civilians have been killed during the current war in Iraq.... Let me repeat that in case you didn't read it clearly the first time... One hundred and seven THOUSAND Iraqi CIVILIANS have been MURDERED during the current war in Iraq. Do we have a day where anyone remembers those people? No. Do we have even an hour during one day that's dedicated to the memory of them? Nope. It seems like nobody gives half of a flying fuck about the people that our own military unrightfully murders, but when the tables are turned, everyone looses their fucking mind. Hell, I bet in 10 years from now, nobody will even remember the earthquake and tsunami that killed 30,000 people in Japan this year.
Sorry for the huge wall of text and the rant contained therein, but it's just been really bugging me and I had to let it out somewhere xD