Fencing, Doors..Help Please..

Fencing, Doors..Help Please..

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2006 Nov 15 • 7
14 ₧
Hey whats up everyone....Ive been making maps for like 2 months now.....and ive been getting info from here and its a great learing forum....so thanx alot to everyone.... ....well i have another question which i couldnt find....about fencing....when i make a fence it looks like a fence and has blue inside little holes and around....which is all suposed to be transparent....but i cant seem to get it to work....every time i try the map, the blue color becomes black....how do i make it so i can see through the fensing....another question is about the func_door.....i got the button to work with the door and everything.....there is a way that ive seen on other maps to make a door open by itself after a certain amount of time....can anyone help me step by step how to do that please, i would really appriciate it.... thanx alot everyone.....nice being here again...
2006 Nov 15 at 03:40 UTC

2006 Nov 7 • 58
14 ₧
well im kinda new to this whole mapping thing but ive seen many custom maps my friends have made, in them they always have that blue in teh holes or around it, so i would just say that is somethin you have to live with or you should try making the thickness of the fence smaller so the blue is less visible to the players
2006 Nov 15 at 03:44 UTC

2006 Nov 7 • 58
14 ₧
just try zooming in onto the smallest grid size and then using your mouse scroll thingy and scrolling in all the way and making the smallest grid lines your thickness
2006 Nov 15 at 03:45 UTC
2006 Nov 15 • 7
14 ₧
well thats the thing.. the blue will allways be there in the hammer, to show thats a fence....but when i start the game that blue turns into black and i cant see through....
2006 Nov 15 at 03:50 UTC

2006 Nov 7 • 58
14 ₧
oh, im not really sure about that then, i think ive heard of this happening before, ill go look up if they can fix it or not
2006 Nov 15 at 03:52 UTC
2006 Nov 15 • 7
14 ₧
That'll be kool....if anyone else knows....please help
2006 Nov 15 at 04:02 UTC
The Original Portmanteau

2005 Mar 22 • 12862
666 ₧
you have to make sure that the Render Mode is on Texture- Spme light
and the FX Amount is at 255.
2006 Nov 15 at 04:17 UTC
2006 Nov 15 • 7
14 ₧
Awsome....thanx alot for for letting me know about the gates.....now, does anyone have any idea about the doors.?
2006 Nov 15 at 18:31 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673
For a fence you probably want to tie it to func_wall and set RenderMode to Solid and FXAmount to 255.

You want your door to open after some time? How much time and starting when?
2006 Nov 15 at 20:38 UTC
2006 Nov 15 • 7
14 ₧
well the starting point at the beggining of the level... after 10 seconds..then the second door i want to open is after 20 seconds after the first door opens (30 seconds after the level starts..
2006 Nov 15 at 21:54 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673
Name your doors door1 and door2.

Create a multimanager and name it round_start.

In the multimanager, turn off SmartEdit and add two keys (key -> value):

door1 -> 10
door2 -> 30

That's it. round_start is a game event that cstrike itself triggers every round.

The only problem with this is if the round ends in less than 30 seconds, door2 could open on the next round.
2006 Nov 15 at 22:22 UTC
2006 Nov 15 • 7
14 ₧
awsome....thanx alot for your help :-D
2006 Nov 16 at 01:33 UTC
Le Tigre

2006 Sep 1 • 549
16 ₧
"superjer" said:
Name your doors door1 and door2.

Create a multimanager and name it round_start.

In the multimanager, turn off SmartEdit and add two keys (key -> value):

door1 -> 10
door2 -> 30

That's it. round_start is a game event that cstrike itself triggers every round.

The only problem with this is if the round ends in less than 30 seconds, door2 could open on the next round.

I want to do something like that but an explosion at the beginning of the round, right when it loads.......non damageable of course, considering I'm placing it in a area where the terrorists spawn.
2006 Nov 16 at 02:35 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673
I think you can make non-damage explosiongs with env_explosion.
2006 Nov 16 at 08:49 UTC
Tendrils McGee

2005 Mar 21 • 1375
34 ₧
I have had problems with env_explosion.

For some reason they do not reset?
2006 Nov 16 at 12:28 UTC
2006 Nov 15 • 7
14 ₧
so not do that then.? lol....is it killing someone or just the sound of it.?
2006 Nov 16 at 18:06 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673
I'm not sure. You'll have to experiment. I've never actually used an env_explosion, but I assume that's supposed to be the way to make an explosion. Whether it works is a whole other thing.
2006 Nov 16 at 22:24 UTC
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