Disable func_ladders climbing sound

Disable func_ladders climbing sound

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]

2009 Dec 12 • 48
Hi everybody,

I made a busstop with the intention to make it climbable by jumping high enough to reach the small func_ladder edge but I don't want it make the climbing sound because I think it doesn't fit with this setup. Does anybody know if it's possible to disable or mute this sound?
Here's a screenshot to get the idea if needed (the climbing part being selected):

Any help would be appreciated.
2010 Jan 5 at 18:06 UTC — Ed. 2010 Jan 5 at 18:07 UTC
fedex _

2009 Mar 23 • 910
13 ₧
why would you wanna disable the ladder sound? , anyways i think there is a way to stop the sound push crtl - enter on ur aatrigger texture and when u select func_ladder go down in the box to sound, and mayb there u should disable that sound/
melloyellow582 said:
I post sometimes, to make a point.
2010 Jan 6 at 01:42 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
you could try using a trigger_push to boost them up instead of a ladder, cause from your pic it seems like you have covered the top of it with a ladder, which would make it hard to shoot on...

and your signature CB does that mean cibai by any chance?
Free Steam Games
2010 Jan 6 at 11:17 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
lol double post! firefox really sucks, safari doesnt have this problem happening
Free Steam Games
2010 Jan 6 at 11:17 UTC — Ed. 2010 Jan 6 at 11:18 UTC

2009 Dec 12 • 48
fedex _ said:
why would you wanna disable the ladder sound? , anyways i think there is a way to stop the sound push crtl - enter on ur aatrigger texture and when u select func_ladder go down in the box to sound, and mayb there u should disable that sound/

I want to disable the ladders sound because there's no visible ladder. My func_ladders properties didn't show a sound option, is it really supposed to be there? In that case could you please give a link to a later fgd-version than cs_expert-tom793c.fgd?

SRAW said:
you could try using a trigger_push to boost them up instead of a ladder, cause from your pic it seems like you have covered the top of it with a ladder, which would make it hard to shoot on...

and your signature CB does that mean cibai by any chance?

I tied the brush(es) to trigger_push and in their properties changed Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X) to -90 0 0 by choosing Up under Yaw on the right but I'm not being pushed up however any other angles than Up and Down do work. Maybe you can help me out?

'CB' are just my initials.
2010 Jan 7 at 14:53 UTC — Ed. 2010 Jan 7 at 14:56 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6687
You cannot disable the ladder sound outside of making your own mod.


Also you can try putting 2 func_pushes in the same space. One going up and one horizontal. Generally works pretty well as far as func_pushes go.
2010 Jan 9 at 07:07 UTC — Ed. 2010 Jan 9 at 07:10 UTC
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