couple hammer questions:

couple hammer questions:

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]

2008 Jan 30 • 17
First is there a way to offset or move textures on the surface of a brush to make it fit more, or can you only move the brush itself. And can you enlarge textures or reshape them?

Another question about hammer: How is it that one makes 'floating text' or some kind of floating words. I have seen (on KZ maps for example) boards with pictures on them, and texts. Is this some kind of decal? If so is there a easy way of making my own decals in the form of simple text?
tok a nug
2008 Jan 31 at 03:59 UTC — Ed. 2008 Jan 31 at 04:19 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6684
You can apply the textures however you want. Press Shift+A to open the texture window and use the controls.

You can make your own text out of brushes, or make your own textures:
2008 Jan 31 at 05:35 UTC

2008 Jan 30 • 17
thanks for the neat shift+A trick. And i will just make my own text with brushes thx.

Other question:
When the compiling process runs over a
"Error: Entity 0, Brush 22, Side 1: has a coplanar plane at (-256, -304, -3776), texture WAL24AR"
"Error: brush with coplanar faces"
"Error: Entity 0, Brush 22: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-9111,-9111)-(10000,5031,5031)"

Is there a easy way to find and delete "Brush 22" besides going to its coordinates or deleteing all the brushes with that texture"

In other words how can i locate a brush labled with a specific #?
tok a nug
2008 Feb 3 at 02:11 UTC — Ed. 2008 Feb 3 at 03:50 UTC

2008 Jan 30 • 17
Easier and More important question: How do i make invisible walls. I tried func_wall and invisible = 1 but this does not seem to have worked.
tok a nug
2008 Feb 3 at 03:50 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
I don't know if you can directly go to numbered brushes.

If you apply the CLIP texture to a brush this will stop players but not bullets or grenades (thank you Superjer answer of the past).
2008 Feb 3 at 04:00 UTC

2008 Jan 30 • 17
thanks i appreciate your response the clip texture has worked out nicely. As for the finding # brushes this is not a issue but would be nice to know as it would help find problems quicker.
tok a nug
2008 Feb 3 at 04:07 UTC

2008 Jan 30 • 17
More hammer question....

I'm trying to make a bunny hop kz. Ive looked at func_train and i do not understand this. All i want to do is make the object move under a water brush when a player lands on it, and not only that. How do i also make the water brush water(which i figured out..) but also teleport players when they fall into it? Do i have to make two brushes one water, and one under the water that has the teleport function? please help inform my poor unrefined knowledge.
tok a nug
2008 Feb 3 at 14:07 UTC

2007 Oct 24 • 990
13 ₧
well im not sure on this but ill try ...

1. make a func_train an set its path to go under you water brush
2. make a trigger_multiple were the player should land , and set its target to the func_train's targetname this will trigger it ( correct me if im wrong )
3. yes you need 2 separate brushes (as far as i know) one being func_water (or just a brush with water texture on it) and the other 1 should be a trigger_teleport ( the teleport brush sould be right in the path of the player ) now you just make an info_teleport_destination give it a targetname and set the trigger_teleport to target it . well i think thats all go and try it

EDIT: sorry if im wrong but im writing this purely by memory so i mite make a mistake
Wtf is that ? its a bird ! no its a plane ! amm maybe its a plastic bag . NO ! its SUPERJER ! the greatest super hero ever!
2008 Feb 3 at 17:46 UTC — Ed. 2008 Feb 3 at 17:49 UTC

2008 Jan 30 • 17
after meticulous trial and error i solved my problem. jez it is late
tok a nug
2008 Feb 4 at 12:10 UTC

2007 Oct 24 • 990
13 ₧
well the best way to learn is trial and error
Sorry man that i wasn't much of a help i wasn't near a pc before, so i couldn't check to see how's it done
well at least you solved your problem by yourself so grats for that
Wtf is that ? its a bird ! no its a plane ! amm maybe its a plastic bag . NO ! its SUPERJER ! the greatest super hero ever!
2008 Feb 4 at 21:52 UTC

2008 Jan 30 • 17
yah thanks anyway tho you got me started and plus im not completely finished because sometimes-- update: nvm i decompiled a map and learned how the pros themselves did it. thx anyway
tok a nug
2008 Feb 4 at 22:31 UTC — Ed. 2008 Feb 4 at 23:41 UTC
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