when u hear thunder its just CHUCK NORRIS clapping his hands.
if u dont put all caps in CHUCK NORRIS' name u die instantly.
when u ask CHUCK NORRIS 4 somthing he shoves it down u neck and takes it
back a few days later.
when u say CHUCK NORRIS CHUCK NORRIS hears u.
CHUCK NORRIS created the universe.
CHUCK NORRIS is both ur dad and ur dad.
if u see CHUCK NORRIS ur eyes melt
if he says somthing ur ears explode.
sun is just CHUCKS NORRIS' gas.
if u just say CHUCK, CHUCK NORRIS will kill u.
CHUCK NORRIS isn't made of atoms, hes made out of pure muscle.
CHUCK NORRIS doesn't open doors they open 4 him.
if CHUCK NORRIS sees u looking at him, he uses the force to choke u.