another compilation error (searched,googled)

another compilation error (searched,googled)

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2007 Mar 18 • 4
10 ₧
so...i need to compile a .map file but... ..ok i tried to resize it, delete it (--> Leak error 0, you know..), i also tried to to save it as .rmf then convert it with hlfix into .map back...but nothing changed, still the same error ^^ ..anybody who knows how to figure that out pls? thank you much !

PS:sry that i am asking about something trivial like this^^ but i really dont know what to do ..
2007 Mar 20 at 22:23 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673
Export from Hammer to .map.

Then re-open the .map in Hammer and look at that brush. The compilers only see the .map not the .rmf. You and the compilers are looking at different stuff.
2007 Mar 21 at 00:10 UTC
Asshole Admin

1-Up Medal
2005 Mar 27 • 821
175 ₧
If that, as it looks, is a triangle with 2 really really long sides and 1 really short one, hammer really doesn't like those sometimes.
2007 Mar 21 at 03:20 UTC
2007 Mar 18 • 4
10 ₧
"superjer" said:
Export from Hammer to .map.

Then re-open the .map in Hammer and look at that brush. The compilers only see the .map not the .rmf. You and the compilers are looking at different stuff.

i have nothing to export because i made .map file with BSPTwoMAP ...and opened it with hammer, i am already in .map not .rmf
2007 Mar 21 at 13:22 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673

Well that's going to be a problem then. BSPTwoMAP isn't really for making compilable maps, it's just for academic purposes.
2007 Mar 21 at 18:42 UTC
2007 Mar 18 • 4
10 ₧
"superjer" said:

Well that's going to be a problem then. BSPTwoMAP isn't really for making compilable maps, it's just for academic purposes.

then what would you choose pls? i tried also winbspc..but i had problems with missing walls, applying textures.. is it real to make "BSP >MAP> modified, playable BSP " ? (it can also have whitewalls..but i'd like to have it complete (no missing walls :D) thx
2007 Mar 21 at 19:10 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673
I would rebuild the map myself.

The nature of BSP compilation is that it only goes one way.

If you try to go from BSP->MAP->BSP a lot of things get messed up, including a lot of stuff you won't even see.
2007 Mar 22 at 00:47 UTC
Asshole Admin

1-Up Medal
2005 Mar 27 • 821
175 ₧
That explains the wierd brushes on the stairs.

You really do need to rebuld the map entirely if you're using a decompiler.
2007 Mar 22 at 05:32 UTC
2007 Mar 18 • 4
10 ₧
ok i'll try and i will let you know if i succeeded .. (disbelieve
2007 Mar 22 at 18:19 UTC
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