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2008 July 16
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Recent posts by seCHar

Recent posts by seCHar

2008 Aug 3 at 10:41 UTC
um transparent texture.. in Hammer Mapping
shouldn't render mode be -texture-some light ?
2008 Aug 1 at 08:53 UTC
question in Hammer Mapping
right..seems i uploaded rmx..nevermind the link here is the rmf
2008 Aug 1 at 08:44 UTC
superjer's tutorial is for COUNTER STRICE CANNOT work on source.if you want to make maps for source i suggest you try another site because here we are doing mostly 1.6 maps,although some of the boys might now source mapping too....
2008 Aug 1 at 00:04 UTC
cant find the leak in Hammer Mapping
pest i textured it because i was bored.adica ti-am texturat-o:)
2008 Jul 31 at 23:13 UTC
question in Hammer Mapping
ok i have an allmost finished map.the problem is the max_leaf error which is most certainly caused by some big spaces.imagine i have 3 buildings 8 stories high.and no it's not in a skybox,it's sealed the question:
can i fill Blank spaces in my map with a "clip" brush,in order to make the unwanted space unwalkble but yet visible.will this reduse leaf count?i need to know bcs there is lot of work to be done and i don't want to waste more time
here is the map:
any suggestion on how to reduce the surface are REALLY appreciated(nvm the texture and details i'm saving them for when i finish sealing it and working).Also,if it's possible i would like the flats to remain 8 stories high.
2008 Jul 29 at 18:37 UTC
Tree tree and tree! in Hammer Mapping
trees are models.add a cycler_sprite entity then go and choose the model(look it up in cstrike\models).after you found the nicest one,make sure the pathname for the model is only this models\whatever-tree-model you want.
2008 Jul 28 at 11:08 UTC
Multiple Levels in Hammer Mapping
:)))))))))))))) family guy rules man:D
2008 Jul 24 at 08:26 UTC
Please help in Hammer Mapping
do you have any unusual texture scales or something like that?
2008 Jul 22 at 19:31 UTC
don't get me wrong,i am not being ironic,but did you actually double click the bat file,or tried to run it with something else like you said??
2008 Jul 22 at 09:56 UTC
no problem.and you can always add new wads from your cstrike folder.for example try adding cs_assault.wad or whatever you want,they have preetier texture.but be carefull not to have more than 8 wads!!