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2007 December 16
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20 ₧

Recent posts by Hellsninja

Recent posts by Hellsninja

2008 Jan 19 at 22:12 UTC
Double select in Hammer Mapping
i was wondering how to select multi items at once so i can create a pre-fab.
2008 Jan 19 at 21:55 UTC
I have a problem.I have a couple different textures with the same name.This is bad because when i need a texture i click on one but since they have the same name hammer takes the first one listed.Is it possible for me to re-name them without to much trouble?
2008 Jan 19 at 21:51 UTC
How do you make buy zone? in Hammer Mapping
k so time to get AAATRIGGER.thanks guys.
2008 Jan 19 at 18:28 UTC
compile error!! S.O.S :) in Hammer Mapping
Leak=hole in your map coming from the outside "space".you need to plug the hola to stop the leak.To try to figure out were the leak is coming from open your map.then go to map>load pointfile>yes.Then you will see a big red zig-zagging line.trace it back to its starting point and thats were the leak came from.close that hole.
2008 Jan 19 at 18:23 UTC
How do you make buy zone? in Hammer Mapping
Im trying to understand hammer further so i have to ask.what do you mean when you say AAATRIGGER?
2008 Jan 19 at 18:22 UTC
Using the clip texture. in Hammer Mapping
Sorry.I am talking about making a ladder.I obviously didn't know how so i went to superjers tutorial http://www.superjer.com/learn/func_ladder.php.It says that the ladder is three parts.One of them is the "solid part" and its description is normal brush with clip texture.My question is bascially how do i make a "clip texture".
2007 Dec 16 at 15:34 UTC
unexplained map error in Hammer Mapping
I'm not really sure what i do right now.I didn't get the rror it said on your tutorial, i got this....

hlvis: Error: Portal file 'tutmap.prt' does not exist, cannot vis the map

I'm not sure how to fix this,please help
