
2008 Jul 5 • 583
295 ₧
One of my screens is yellow tinted. It looks bad 'n' stuff, so can ye help meh? I wanted to show you but a screenshot didn't work. Google didn't help me enough.
Oh, it might be because I mistreated it. It broke before so I had to shut down the computer by pulling out the power wire  . I'd be happy for any help that I could get.
Today's post brought to you by the letter: "heck".
2010 Aug 7 at 14:52 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
You might get lucky and be able to fix it with a recalibration. There is a lot of software out there to do that... I can't recommend a certain one as I've never used them. There is also hardware you can buy to calibrate your screen, but unless you're an artist or do anything where you need the colors exact, I'd just stick to software.
With a quick google search I came up with this: http://www.quickgamma.de/indexen.html
Looks legit, and there was another site that recommended it as the best free program.
2010 Aug 7 at 15:17 UTC

2008 Jul 5 • 583
295 ₧
Didn't make any difference. Weird...
Today's post brought to you by the letter: "heck".
2010 Aug 7 at 15:47 UTC
seeing that you "pulled the cord" and the screen is "abnormally yellow" probley means that you fucked up your screen.
i had a power surge do that to my screen
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2010 Aug 7 at 18:05 UTC

2008 Jul 5 • 583
295 ₧
the_cloud_system said: seeing that you "pulled the cord" and the screen is "abnormally yellow" probley means that you fucked up your screen.
i had a power surge do that to my screen
Well, the screen wasn't working at the time (It said that it had no input or similiar, even if it worked just fine 10 minutes earlier) and was just completely black. I had to turn the computer off and there was no other way. That I was aware of atleast.
Well, fuck. I changed the wire between the screen and my computer to a new one, hoping it would work better. Guess not. So it's probably the enlarger or my ****card thingy.
Somebody please tell me it's not the ****card because my other screen isn't tinted...
Teh enlargarh is the little thingy I need because my computer/screen is too old/young.
Today's post brought to you by the letter: "heck".
2010 Aug 7 at 19:43 UTC
you can try with the setting buttons on the screen to reset it , like it will flicker and you will hear the noise how it resets , if not that you need a new screen maybe
melloyellow582 said: I post sometimes, to make a point.
2010 Aug 7 at 20:54 UTC
Is it a CRT monitor?
2010 Aug 7 at 23:03 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
From what it sounds like, imma guess that its physical damage to the monitor, which is gonna be impossible/extremely difficult to repair, and you'd be better off buying a new monitor.
And since you said that your other monitor doesn't have any tint or anything to it, its not your graphics card or any hardware, its something wrong with the monitor you dropped.
2010 Aug 7 at 23:43 UTC
If it's a CRT monitor, you might just need to degauss it.
2010 Aug 8 at 00:42 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
If its a crt monitor, you need to throw it out the window and get a real monitor.
2010 Aug 8 at 02:29 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
like molkman said, if it's one of those old as hell monitors, try deguassing it, if it's a lcd... break it for the name of science and show your friends how lcd looks (I remember in school this dude found a calculator and we decided to smash it up and gave various parts to different people in the class... that was really stupid)
2010 Aug 8 at 02:44 UTC
instead try this lol , it worked for once before..
Use a strong magnet , and go around the glass with it , and see what happens
melloyellow582 said: I post sometimes, to make a point.
2010 Aug 8 at 07:26 UTC
fedex _ said: instead try this lol , it worked for once before..
Use a strong magnet , and go around the glass with it , and see what happens
.... he might have a lcd moniter
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2010 Aug 8 at 07:50 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
2010 Aug 8 at 08:03 UTC

2008 Jul 5 • 583
295 ₧
Reset didn't work.
I don't know if it's LCD or CRT, magnet did nothing, probably LCD and it's a new screen so even more certain it's an LCD.
Buy a new one?  , I don't want to spend another 300$, especially since I was planning on replacing the other screen that's broken to the point that you can't move it without the screen part falling down  . There might be a chance you can repair it for less if I'm lucky, still maybe 250$ but I'm greedy enough to try.
Magnet did nothing, probably LCD as Cloudy said.
Today's post brought to you by the letter: "heck".
2010 Aug 8 at 13:17 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
If it's big and bulky, it's CRT (Cathode Ray *Tube*). If it's very thin, like the kind you get on laptops, it's an LCD type. Is it still in warranty?
2010 Aug 8 at 14:53 UTC
*****'n Admin

2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
Rockbomb said: If its a crt monitor, you need to throw it out the window and get a real monitor.
High end CRTs have better picture quality than LCDs. It's unfortunate that they are so hard to find now. They also don't get dead pixels. They don't have any of that native resolution bullshit, and in fact work with any resolution you throw at them. Unless you need to move it there's really nothing disadvantageous about a CRT.
Quote from comparison:
Quote: All around, CRT's reproduce color, brightness, and picture clarity better than anything else, which is why they are used as a benchmark for all other monitor types.
So... uh... unless you need portability, LCDs just suck ass in every way. Everyone keeps saying "in a few years LCDs will catch up!" but they never do and I don't think they will. Of course, if you want a REALLY BIG TV as a computer monitor, the LCDs are WAAAY better. CRTs are terrible if they are any larger than 21", for some reason...
2010 Aug 8 at 16:01 UTC
— Ed. 2010 Aug 8 at 16:15 UTC

2008 Jul 5 • 583
295 ₧
Down Rodeo said: If it's big and bulky, it's CRT (Cathode Ray *Tube*). If it's very thin, like the kind you get on laptops, it's an LCD type. Is it still in warranty?
It's an LCD.
I'll go ask my parents if it's in warranty.
@Aaronjer, what I don't like about CRT is that it emitts a bright tone all the time it's turned on. Kinda sucks since it increases my tinnitus.
Today's post brought to you by the letter: "heck".
2010 Aug 8 at 17:23 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
2010 Aug 8 at 17:29 UTC
fuck, that.
go to a fucken yard sale and get one for 20 bucks
fucking 200$ moiniter...
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2010 Aug 8 at 17:41 UTC
*****'n Admin

2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
buq25 said: @Aaronjer, what I don't like about CRT is that it emitts a bright tone all the time it's turned on. Kinda sucks since it increases my tinnitus.
Okay, you're going to have to explain exactly what you mean here. To be clear, this is in no way an argument that you should use CRTs. Are you talking about a sound or a visual effect here? Bright means you're seeing it, but tone could be either visual or audio... and tinnitus is an ear problem. Are you actually seeing something that causes ringing in your ears, or did you just use a really inappropriate word there?
2010 Aug 8 at 17:49 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
aaronjer said: buq25 said: @Aaronjer, what I don't like about CRT is that it emitts a bright tone all the time it's turned on. Kinda sucks since it increases my tinnitus.
Okay, you're going to have to explain exactly what you mean here. To be clear, this is in no way an argument that you should use CRTs. Are you talking about a sound or a visual effect here? Bright means you're seeing it, but tone could be either visual or audio... and tinnitus is an ear problem. Are you actually seeing something that causes ringing in your ears, or did you just use a really inappropriate word there?
Sure is synesthesia in here.
Also buq, my friend said he recommends this monitor http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236075
2010 Aug 8 at 17:52 UTC
*****'n Admin

2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
I just bought seven of them. You'd better be right about this monitor or I will fuck up your title SO bad.
2010 Aug 8 at 17:56 UTC

2008 Jul 5 • 583
295 ₧
aaronjer said: buq25 said: @Aaronjer, what I don't like about CRT is that it emitts a bright tone all the time it's turned on. Kinda sucks since it increases my tinnitus.
Okay, you're going to have to explain exactly what you mean here. To be clear, this is in no way an argument that you should use CRTs. Are you talking about a sound or a visual effect here? Bright means you're seeing it, but tone could be either visual or audio... and tinnitus is an ear problem. Are you actually seeing something that causes ringing in your ears, or did you just use a really inappropriate word there?
That was probably a very bad use of word, yeah. The Swedish version of the word would work correctly. My tinnitus is a... Yeah... "High pitched" tone that never stops. Is that better? It's a really great TV screen otherwise but it's really annoying.
@Cloudy, 20$ yardsale screens would be awesome but where I live there's not many yard sales, and the ones that are is just a bunch of old chairs and stuff, atleast 50 years. Otherwise would a 20$ screen be really awesome.
@RockBomb, Nah, thanks. My mom thinks we can get it fixed/get a new one. Otherwise will I probably buy an actual computer screen for like 50-60$ at blocket.se
Just because I wonder, does anyone know what the cord between the screen and the computer is named? Does it have a name?
Today's post brought to you by the letter: "heck".
2010 Aug 8 at 17:59 UTC
*****'n Admin

2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
Well that would depend on what kind of cord you're using. It could be VGA, DVI, or HDMI. If you're really weird it could even be composite, component or S-Video.
2010 Aug 8 at 18:03 UTC