Whats happening with my models???

Whats happening with my models???

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]

2008 Sep 1 • 93
Map: Simple

The models always move to right, left, up and down.
And how to make the model can i climb or walking on it?
Like a truck model, i want walk on the top of this model.
[Noobs] Lorenzo
2008 Nov 16 at 07:12 UTC

2008 Feb 26 • 227
36 ₧
Sorry dude can't help ya
I have no Idea what causing it it never happened to me
EDIT:Ok now I can't help you on the moving thing but I can Help you about how to make a model you can climb on
Ok Here it goes:
-insert a model(for example tree)Note:It must be a cycler_sprite use cs-expert.fgd
-make a brush shape like the tree's body then just change the render mode to texture and change the render FX to 0
-make a func_ladder brush
I Love Army Men Sarge's War
2008 Nov 16 at 13:13 UTC — Ed. 2008 Nov 16 at 13:18 UTC
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