Well Here You Go.....

Well Here You Go.....

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]

2009 Nov 2 • 68
Ok fine... Thanks for the help with the Cliping texture works

1) I still can not figure out how to fix the fan. It stays on after enabling it but i only want it to stay on for a few seconds... Get what i mean ?? "cough" sprinkles

Thanks for the help....
2010 Jan 24 at 04:23 UTC

2009 Dec 12 • 48
Create 2 multi_managers and name them mm1 and mm2.

Go to func_button's properties and in Target type mm1.

Go to mm1's properties, turn off 'SmartEdit' and click 'add'. In Key type the name of the fan and in Value type 0.
Click 'add' again. In Key type mm2 and in Value type 0.

Go to mm2's properties, turn off 'SmartEdit' and click 'add'.
In Key type the name of the fan and in Value type the amount of seconds you want the fan to be on.
2010 Jan 30 at 22:01 UTC — Ed. 2010 Jan 30 at 22:09 UTC

2009 Nov 2 • 68
Thanks i wish i saw that sooner i posted my map all ready..
Ill know next time on what to do now
2010 Jan 30 at 22:07 UTC
Page [1]