Vehicles, How To?

Vehicles, How To?

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2006 Jul 18 • 31
18 ₧
Im trying to make a map with vehicles like in air_fight maps (if you have ever heard of them). Anyways, I made a flat brush and transformed it into a func_vehicle Then i made a brush and put it on the func_vehicle and transformed it into a func_vehicle_controls, I named the vehicle and targeted it with the func_vehicle_controls, So I go into my map to test if it works, And when I use the vehicle it starts and disappears.

And another question.

Im using cstrike.wad and halflife.wad and 12 other CZ wads, And yet i cant find see through glass. Do I have to do something to make it see through? I have a lot of glass textures glass_bright glass_med, That sort of thing but again none are see through like the truck in cs_assault has see through glass.
Hehe No.
2006 Jul 25 at 15:36 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681
1st, you should be carefull about using more than 8 textures. The compilers have this weird 8-texture limit they like to complain about sometimes.

Lose 4 wads if you can.

func_vehicles are one of the least friendly entities around. I do not know how to get them to work. I've made a ton of 'em and sometimes they work and sometimes not. Mystery.

Just make sure your vehicle faces EAST when you build it.
Maybe it disappeared because it fell or moves way too fast? I dunno.

To make glass, select your glass object and Ctrl+T it. Then choose func_breakable or func_wall (depending on whether you want it to break). Make it see-through too: set RenderMode to texture and FXAmount to 120.

You can use any number from 0-255. 0 is totally invisible and 255 is totally solid.
2006 Jul 25 at 22:41 UTC
2006 Jul 18 • 31
18 ₧
Hehe No.
2006 Jul 29 at 21:09 UTC
Page [1]