Im trying to make a map with vehicles like in air_fight maps (if you have ever heard of them). Anyways, I made a flat brush and transformed it into a func_vehicle Then i made a brush and put it on the func_vehicle and transformed it into a func_vehicle_controls, I named the vehicle and targeted it with the func_vehicle_controls, So I go into my map to test if it works, And when I use the vehicle it starts and disappears.
And another question.
Im using cstrike.wad and halflife.wad and 12 other CZ wads, And yet i cant find see through glass. Do I have to do something to make it see through? I have a lot of glass textures glass_bright glass_med, That sort of thing but again none are see through like the truck in cs_assault has see through glass.
2006 Jul 25 at 15:36 UTC