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Hammer Mapping — Page [1]

2005 Mar 20 • 6629
Occasionally I make a change to the tutorial to make things more clear, or more likely to work for everyone. I'm going to start logging them all in this post.

2007 Nov 26
Added -nowadtextures to the compile scripts on http://www.superjer.com/learn7.php so that when people use custom textures, they won't have any portability problems. This will make people's maps bigger, but, oh well.
2007 Nov 26 at 18:58 PST

2007 Oct 24 • 990
13 ₧
Bigger and better :D great for people like me who make lots of custom textures :P ( and have lots of time :)) )
Wtf is that ? its a bird ! no its a plane ! amm maybe its a plastic bag . NO ! its SUPERJER ! the greatest super hero ever!
2008 Jan 3 at 11:34 PST
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