Rockbomb made his own foras:
Rockbomb said: 1.) This is a place to teach and to learn, a place to discover, and a place to share ideas.
But, he wants to limit how and where you can make tuts, also he wants to be a fag and deny me upload access.
So I think superjer should have a tutorial section on his foras.
2010 Nov 1 at 22:32 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
Hey man, don't go trying to give me a bad name just cuz you got your panties up in a bundle. You said you needed upload access to my site because you couldn't make posts longer than 1000 characters, and I told you that I can change that. Not only that, but even if I DID give you upload access to my server, you STILL couldn't make posts longer than 1000 characters.
Also I'm sure Superjer would have no problem with you posting tutorial in the already existing programming section.
2010 Nov 1 at 22:36 UTC
Every time I see your posts I want to punch people in the throat.
2010 Nov 1 at 22:39 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
Its not my problem that my elegant words make you feel inferior and thus make you feel the need to engage in physical violence toward other beings.
2010 Nov 1 at 22:53 UTC
Does someone need a tampon?Are you seriously being angry over...that? I mean..unless he fucked your girlfriend/boyfriend what ever your fancy. And RB you dont have to be a ass.
Ok go fight in the dark closet lets see who comes out first.
Make awkward sexual advances, not war. Down Rodeo said: Dammit, this was the one place that didn't have this, but noooooo, molkman pisses all over that 
2010 Nov 1 at 23:51 UTC
— Ed. 2010 Nov 1 at 23:53 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
To hell with consequences!
Steam Chat said: 22:22 - </Sprinkles>: hey
22:22 - Van Occupanther: aaaaaaaaah
22:23 - </Sprinkles>: superjer should have a tutorial section on his fora
22:23 - Van Occupanther: Tutorials for what?
22:23 - Van Occupanther: Just, like, everyfing?
22:23 - </Sprinkles>: everything, programming, mapping, internet, games
22:24 - Van Occupanther: I see
22:24 - Van Occupanther: Well, you can but ask
22:24 - Van Occupanther: That's how "Requests" turned up
22:33 - </Sprinkles>: rockbomb is such a fag
22:33 - Van Occupanther: What's he done?
22:34 - </Sprinkles>: he made his own foras for programming/learning and whatnot but he wants to be a dick about how peopple do it and he wont give me upload access
22:34 - Van Occupanther: What an explosive douche
22:35 - </Sprinkles>: he says I don't need upload access and its a security risk to give it to me
22:35 - Van Occupanther: Well, he's right on the latter and might be right on the former
22:36 - </Sprinkles>: how is it a security risk? superjer gave me upload access to his rig, and I also have ssh, and I haven't broken shit!
22:36 - Van Occupanther: Well yes, but the more people have access, the less secure it is
22:36 - </Sprinkles>: and if I'm going to make tuts on his foras I want to be able to post the entire scripts on his foras
22:37 - Van Occupanther: I'm not saying you are trying to be less secure but it's pretty much by a security risk by definitiom
22:37 - Van Occupanther: Well yes, I suppose
22:37 - Van Occupanther: But
22:37 - Van Occupanther: Something
22:37 - </Sprinkles>: superjer has 10-15 with upload access to his rig and its not a security risk
22:38 - Van Occupanther: Well, it is in some sense
22:38 - Van Occupanther: That's 15 more people than I'd be comfortable with, for instance
22:38 - </Sprinkles>: I've lost my faith in hummanity now
22:39 - Van Occupanther: While that's understandable I think you're overreacting
22:39 - Van Occupanther: I mean, it's just upload access
22:40 - </Sprinkles>: its not about the upload access, he's power hungry and doesn't trust his friend
22:41 - Van Occupanther: Power hungry?
22:41 - Van Occupanther: I'm loling at you, right now
22:41 - Van Occupanther: I thought I'd let you know
</Sprinkles> is now Offline.
I might have been drinking. Now come on ladies, sort it out. Pleasantly. Sprinkles, you're asking too much, for things you don't need. Rockbomb, you need to let him know this, but without being a dick. This had better be the end of it or I will wantonly murder, and there are a lot of people and miles between me and you two.
2010 Nov 2 at 00:11 UTC
I would be happy to make a Tutorials section after we have some real content for it.
I don't really want to start out empty.
If you post good tutorials and name them Tutorial: Something I'll sticky them. Once there's enough to warrant a whole section then I'll create one.
But they have to be good.
2010 Nov 2 at 02:32 UTC
— Ed. 2010 Nov 2 at 02:32 UTC
havvic is back!
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2010 Nov 2 at 02:39 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
DR, I guess the thing about it is, this wasn't just something that happened today... he's asked me constantly since I put my server up. I was decently polite about it until he made this post, but frankly its gotten quite ridiculous and I just don't wanna deal with it anymore.
@Sprinkles - Sorry if I pissed you off, but you're still not getting access to my server. Despite what you think, it IS a security risk (and I've seen the things you do when you're mad). I realize that Superjer gave you access to his, but there are two things: 1.) He has a lot more experience with this stuff and I'm sure his server is a lot more secure than mine. 2.) He is a very trusting person to let so many people have access to his server. I don't know anyone else who would give out access like that, and I personally wouldn't trust anyone but me and two or three other people that I've known most of my life to have access on there.
2010 Nov 2 at 03:11 UTC
Rockbomb said: I don't know anyone else who would give out access like that, and I personally wouldn't trust anyone but me and two or three other people that I've known most of my life to have access on there.
I don't want to start anything here, but if I had my own server 90% of the people that asked for upload access would get it.
2010 Nov 2 at 04:06 UTC
cept me....
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2010 Nov 2 at 05:44 UTC
the_cloud_system said: cept me.... 
I would give you upload access. I'm pretty sure the only person I wouldn't give upload access to would be sraw.
2010 Nov 2 at 07:01 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
sprinkles said:
I'm pretty sure the only person I wouldn't give upload access to would be sraw cause I'm such a huge fag that hates him for no reason whatsoever.
2010 Nov 2 at 07:40 UTC
Ok, I'll start being nice to you sraw.
2010 Nov 2 at 07:48 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
Sprinkles, you have to accept that as far as Rockbomb's concerned the more random internetters have access to his server the worse security is. And I agree - he's invested quite a lot of time and money into it, so not giving that access is not only entirely reasonable but is probably sensible.
For instance, my flatmate has a big PC that can play quite a few recent games, and my other flatmates often ask if they can play Empire: Total War on it for instance. It'd be easier if they knew his password so they could play any time without the other guy being there, OTOH he doesn't want them to know his password. See?
2010 Nov 2 at 08:50 UTC
See that's not how I roll. If somebody wants to borrow/use something of mine I have no problem. I'm a pretty open guy. Not much in this world bothers me. But, lets jus' curtail this, its obvious we are not seeing eye to eye so there is no point in going on.
The fact is we gotsa be gettin' to ritin' those tuts so those peeps can teach.
2010 Nov 2 at 08:57 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
sprinkles said: The fact is we gotsa be gettin' to ritin' those tuts so those peeps can teach.
That's true.
I still can't believe you're getting that worked up about it though. :)
2010 Nov 2 at 09:02 UTC
Down Rodeo said: sprinkles said: The fact is we gotsa be gettin' to ritin' those tuts so those peeps can teach.
That's true.
I still can't believe you're getting that worked up about it though. :)
Second that.
I think this is the first time weve had a little superjer.com drama happen lawl.
Make awkward sexual advances, not war. Down Rodeo said: Dammit, this was the one place that didn't have this, but noooooo, molkman pisses all over that 
2010 Nov 2 at 16:40 UTC
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