*****'n Admin
2005 Mar 21 • 5126
1,227 ₧
Semyon Gnyevko > I have a vast library of incorrect knowledge.
Wedji > semy - ok, answer this one then... What Are My Chances?
Semyon Gnyevko > Chances are a type of embroidery found on denim jeans, they went out of style in the 70's.
Semyon Gnyevko > YOUR chances are very low, because you're wearing old clothes, so nobody will like you.
Wedji > holy cow there could just never have been a better answer. i shall devote tomorrow attempting to find a way to work that into a conversation
Seriously, I'm fucking hilarious. Those double meanings are just too much for me. It's just ridiculous.
2008 Dec 8 at 07:22 UTC