when i launch source SDK it loads and stuff but than says "SDKLAUCHER.exe heas stopped working" what wrong and how can i fix it..? do i need to reinstall steam would that help?
2008 Feb 29 at 20:08 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
Ummm... try the steam support forums. The fact that just says "has stopped working" isn't a great error message.
A quick search of the interwebs hasn't given very much info. But you can still try, have a search for "SDKlauncher.exe crash" or something.
Also, the uninstall/reinstall might work.
2008 Mar 1 at 01:14 UTC
There are A LOT of problems with the Steam SDK stuff. It's so bad that I've completely stopped using it so I can't really help you.
2008 Mar 1 at 02:31 UTC
yeah i mean ive uninstalled/reinstalled it even done that with steam. and cs. so yeah idk... do i NEED the source sdk to map for garrys mod and that stuff...cuz right now im usin the valve hamemr editor u guys give for regular cs. but can i use the one u guys give to download to make maps for garrys mod and stuff
2008 Mar 1 at 02:49 UTC
or am i askin a stupid question? cuz im not very familiar with garrys mod but one dude wanted me to make map for garrys mod but said i would need source sdk
2008 Mar 1 at 02:56 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
OK, here are a few things:
You could try particpating in the current beta that is running for the new (shinier? I dunno) SDK that will be out sometime. Post if you don't know how.
Also, do you have any of the Orange box games installed? If not that could be causing problems. If that is the case try adding the the launch option -engine ep1, this might help. Maybe.
And finally it could just be that it doesn't like your computer. It seems to run OK on my laptop but given the massive number of different hardware configurations it might be something as simple (and as difficult to fx) as that. Try posting on the SDK forums, there's a link from http://developer.valvesoftware.com/
Also, SJ, you're back! And here was me considering forging a post by you by abusing the quote system... :D
2008 Mar 1 at 15:23 UTC
yeah idk how to the first thing u said...how do u add the launch option...and i have counter-strike 1 anthology and game of the year edition half life 2 which also includes css hl2 deathmatch and hl source
2008 Mar 1 at 16:03 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
OK then what you have to do is NOT participate in the beta, in fact go to the 'tools' tab then right-click on Source SDK. Got to 'Properties' at the bottom then in the window that comes up click 'set launch options'. In that box type
-engine ep1
And click ok, blah blah blah it should work from then, maybe.
2008 Mar 1 at 16:07 UTC
ok, ill try and tell u if it works
2008 Mar 1 at 16:14 UTC
omg it worked, thank you soooooo much
2008 Mar 1 at 16:43 UTC
haha yeah I had to do that a few months ago. fuckin orange box update messin with my stuff.
2008 Mar 1 at 18:50 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
Mmmmm... lovely Orange Box that works for me... Actually, I am going to go play some TF2. Then buy/cook/eat my tea.
Glad to hear it worked though. I was, kinda, just a bit, ummm guessing. But you don't need to know that.
2008 Mar 1 at 19:07 UTC
— Ed. 2008 Mar 1 at 19:08 UTC
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