Simple questions

Simple questions

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2014 Feb 16 • 24
Hai guys im a new mapper and to make mah first epix map i need some anwsers for some questions so before i ask im gonna say that this map will contain a vip

1- How can i make so that CT's and T's start with nothing

2- I want to make it so Vip only has pistol and nothing else
2014 Feb 20 at 11:16 UTC
fedex _

2009 Mar 23 • 910
13 ₧
I don't know how to start with nothing , but I do know how just to start with a knife , if that's what you're looking for ... Also for the VIP to start with just a pistol , I think is only possible with amxx mod not to sure.. Anyways if you just want players to start with knife :

Go to you're entity tool , click on the drop box and select

game_player_equip and place the entity somewhere , select it and then alt+enter and open the menu up and select knife YES , then click on name and type knife1

After that place an aaatrigger right on the spawn points and then select it and then crtl+t and select trigger_once , set target knife1 and close window

Now save you're map compile it and test it out , hope this works for you...
melloyellow582 said:
I post sometimes, to make a point.
2014 Feb 20 at 22:18 UTC — Ed. 2014 Feb 20 at 22:19 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673
You can do it. awp_l337sk337 and awp_snowsk337 both have you start with nothing. You get weapons based on which teleporters you go through at the beginning.

You can trigger a game_player_equip and it will affect the player who set it off.

A game_player_equip with NO NAME gets triggered every round and affects whole team(s).
2014 Feb 22 at 03:15 UTC — Ed. 2014 Feb 22 at 03:16 UTC
2014 Feb 16 • 24
big thanks to both of you guys especially you Superjer without your 35 years old tutorials or whatever XD i would've never learned to map but the compiling step is annoying isn't any faster way to compile maps?
2014 Feb 22 at 08:40 UTC
fedex _

2009 Mar 23 • 910
13 ₧
Weperlol said:
big thanks to both of you guys especially you Superjer without your 35 years old tutorials or whatever XD i would've never learned to map but the compiling step is annoying isn't any faster way to compile maps?
melloyellow582 said:
I post sometimes, to make a point.
2014 Feb 23 at 05:35 UTC
2014 Feb 16 • 24
Well thank you guys i will be sure to use these greatful infos when i need to
2014 Mar 8 at 10:15 UTC
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