Rising walls and other questions

Rising walls and other questions

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2006 Jul 18 • 31
18 ₧
I need to know how to make walls, Of course with the "use" of a switch make a wall rise.. Or move.. At least

And make gravity change in an area when applied to a switch too

1 more thing

How can i make it so the next round people spawn with nothing, I mean when they first enter the game they are stripped (i made it like that) But it wont take away their weapons the very next round
Hehe No.
2006 Jul 19 at 13:39 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681
Your 'wall' should be a func_door. Have its angles set to UP and it will move up. Give your func_door a name and make a func_button that targets it.

Gravity is hell. But if you want you can try to use a trigger_gravity or two. When you step into a trigger_gravity, your personal gravity is set from then on, even if you exit the trigger_gravity. You should be able to control a trigger_gravity with a multisource (i.e. turn it on and off). If you use a trigger_gravity to set someone's gravity to moon gravity, you'll need another one to reset their gravity back to normal.

My solution to this was to name the weaponstrip and target it with a multi_manager. The multimanager was multithreaded and named game_playerspawn.

Anything named game_playerspawn will get triggered by players when they spawn. Multithreaded multimanagers only act on the player who triggered them, not the whole server.
2006 Jul 19 at 16:52 UTC
2006 Jul 18 • 31
18 ₧
I dont see a target parameter on any of these entities you are talking about .
Hehe No.
2006 Jul 19 at 18:04 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681

2006 Jul 20 at 17:29 UTC
2006 Jul 18 • 31
18 ₧
For Multi_manager, I see the flag multithread but no target parameter
Hehe No.
2006 Jul 23 at 20:33 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681
multi_managers are different from all other entities.

They are sort of a hack. An awesome hack :P

To use it, unclick SmartEdit and add your own key/value pairs.

Think of each Key/Value pair as a TargetName/Delay pair:

TargetName is the the name of whatever you want to trigger.
Delay is how many seconds after the multimanager is triggered that the TargetName should be triggered.
Do not use 0 for the delay. Use at least 0.001 or strange problems can occur with many entities.
You can have up to 16 events triggered from 1 multi_manager at all different times.
2006 Jul 23 at 22:56 UTC
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