rap makes no sense anymore

rap makes no sense anymore

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Wingus (Part of the Wingus and Dingus set)

2005 Sep 28 • -2543
its true. if you want proof, listen to this, in 50 cents song, 'wanksta', there is a part that goes like "we in da club doin the same old two step, gorrila unit, cuz they say we bugged out. cuz we dont go nowhere without toast."

what the hell does that mean?????
2007 Jul 22 at 02:53 UTC
Le Tigre

2006 Sep 1 • 549
16 ₧
Rap = major fail.

Everybody in my school has to listen it and has to be ghetto or else you're not cool.

And they talk all "Dat wuz hot"

[/rant] I'm making a rant thread. Sticky it.
2007 Jul 22 at 03:41 UTC
Owner of George Washington's Prototype Mittens

Marine Warfare Corporal
Find the Hole Participation Medal
Find the Hole II Participation Medal
Tasty Br�twurst Medal
2005 May 2 • 2066
404 ₧
One of the few great rap songs is "Intergalactic" by Beastie Boys. The video rocks too.
2007 Jul 22 at 12:57 UTC
Wingus (Part of the Wingus and Dingus set)

2005 Sep 28 • -2543
that dosent awnser my question.......

we dont go nowhere without toast.... what does it mean??????
2007 Jul 23 at 03:12 UTC
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