this is it...i don`t think its becouse the number of players..
the server is set to 0/24 players max...
i have set the number of player to 32...16 ct and 16 tt...
but the same problem always...
can`t do that the head admin won`t let me...he wants only the map that works like it should mistakes no erors.....
is there any way to test that in hammer??
i`ve read this like 100 times !! i don`t know how will this help me to solve my problem with player starts i`ve done this exactly like superjer wrote...
could it be that my patch is protocol 48,but the game isn`t steam..i have set in the text doc. no steam ??
my cs game is in c: disk like the hamer and the a pic.
i`ve done everything like its writen in the superjer map editing tutorial....
i have deleted the old one...the new map is the same with only a little diference..
and i have converted it like in the tutorial...
i won`t have any problems now with the respawn places??
it`s not quite finished