I inadvertently stumbled upon this forum today, a forum which I frequented nearly 15 years ago. Quite the nostalgia as I read through my posts.
At first, I had to do a double-take to make sure it was even me who was posting this stuff. I didn't remember any of it. There were a few 'hints' that recalled some memories, but nothing detailed. As I read through my posts, things started to become clearer and my recollection improved. Wow! What a throwback. There were moments where I was cringing at how dumb I was, to others where I felt like "wow, I was pretty smart for my age." I still don't remember everything, but it was enough to trigger some past memories and that is a gift in and of itself. I never really thought about it, but wow, 15 years will do a number on your memory, especially the finer details.
This experience made me reflect on myself and my life as a whole. It's amazing how much I've grown, and how much potential I possibly flushed down the toilet. I hope everyone who I encountered on here is doing well and may you find peace, love, and happiness.
P.S - Thanks SuperJer for putting up with all my questions, I was an annoying little twat 🤪
2022 Dec 17 at 06:43 UTC
— Ed. 2022 Dec 17 at 06:44 UTC