Nintendo doesn't seem to censor posts on the Miiverse homepage

Nintendo doesn't seem to censor posts on the Miiverse homepage

General — Page [1]

2005 Mar 21 • 6687
I go to the Miiverse homepage and lotsa times the top *featured* post is like "NINTENDO SUCKS!" or "THIS GAME IS A RIP OFF!"

Doesn't seem like the best marketing.

Or sometimes it's just funny as hell:

2015 Nov 25 at 20:43 UTC

2009 May 13 • 905
17 ₧
I think people naively misestimate the dark depths of human nature when designing sites that include creation and sharing of content over social media. Look at crowd-sourced campaigns such as the Shell image-macro creation website or the Pitbull concert contest, or even the submission process for Youtube ads.
2015 Nov 27 at 02:25 UTC
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