I completely forget how the spawns work, too. :(
It was so many years ago.
But I do know how the func_door and multimanagers work.
The func_door has a target of "change_spawn1" at first, but its target is changed to "change_spawn2" and back by the trigger_changetargets.
The func_door fires every round, at the beginning of the round. In CS there's no way to even prevent this.
"change_spawn1" and "...2" are multi_managers. multi_managers, when triggered, trigger every target in their list at the specified times. (You need to turn off SmartEdit to see the list.)
For example a multi_manager might have the following properties:
cheese 1
goat 1.5
vermicelli 7
When triggered, it will wait 1 second and then trigger "cheese", wait 0.5 more seconds and trigger "goat" and wat 5.5 more seconds and trigger "vermicelli".
I hope this is helpful.
2011 Dec 28 at 12:03 UTC