Missing entity or summit

Missing entity or summit

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2006 Apr 15 • 3
21 ₧
I cannot find the ct/t spawn entity thingy... also i cant find the func_ladder and func_wall thingies
2006 Apr 15 at 14:30 UTC
Tendrils McGee

2005 Mar 21 • 1375
34 ₧
Okay func_walls and func_ladders are not a "point entity" (Point entities are the thing you click the little lightbulb for). Instead they are some other kind of entity. To access this, you must first make a brush (block) and then once you have it the desired way, press CTRL+T and you'll open a properties box, in the scroll down box on the first tab are a list of new entities along with the others. Scroll down until you find either func_wall or func_ladder.

The CT/T spawns are called info_player_starts. I believe..
2006 Apr 18 at 01:39 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6687
Correct, jacksmoke. Very good. Thank you. Good night.
2006 Apr 18 at 02:05 UTC
2006 Apr 15 • 3
21 ₧
But there are no "lightbulb" entinites either...only chairs comps n shit
2006 Apr 19 at 17:04 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6687
You have to select the entity tool first. It's the big square button that looks like a gray light bulb. Then the list you are talking about will change to the good stuff.
2006 Apr 21 at 01:06 UTC
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