Making Death Run maps

Making Death Run maps

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]

2009 Feb 8 • 26
Hi, I am an ok mapper, but I need some help. I'm trying to create a Death Run map, but I can't make some of the traps. Some of them are very logical like the floor breaking, or the wall pushing you, but I have trouble making stuff rotate. I made a thin rectangular bridge like in 35hp_2, but when I added door_rotating, it goes around the whole map. I tried to decompile other Death Run maps, but they aren't very clear. I was just wondering if someone could help, or if there was a tutorial somewhere on making Death Run maps. Thanks.

2009 Feb 8 at 16:10 UTC — Ed. 2009 Feb 8 at 16:20 UTC

2009 Feb 8 • 26
Ahhh, I found a tutorial on origin, I forgot about that, I just needed an origin. Thanks!
2009 Feb 8 at 16:35 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673
oh baby I need your origin
got to have all your origin
2009 Feb 11 at 23:07 UTC
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