Light Textures

Light Textures

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2007 Nov 27 • 13
2 ₧
Some of em are working and some of them arent...they're all at the same level and height and I didnt add any special commands...

2007 Nov 29 at 19:13 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
Please give it in more detail
Free Steam Games
2007 Nov 30 at 12:28 UTC
2007 Nov 27 • 13
2 ₧
I got some lighting textures in the ceiling, there all the same height and theres no special settings on them. Only about 2 out of 15 of them work...
2007 Dec 1 at 03:30 UTC
2007 Nov 20 • 5
2 ₧
did you tie the light entity to any of them?

you could be setting the entity of the block to light and that won't make it show up.

try making a block on the ceiling with the texture and placing a light entity right below it.

(sorry, i'm not sure what you mean by texture alone.)
2007 Dec 1 at 19:05 UTC
2007 Nov 27 • 13
2 ₧
there light textures, the ones with "+" infront of there names that are supposed to emit light on there own without an entity. So I placed a bunch of them around my map and only like 2 of them and the others dont.
2007 Dec 2 at 04:09 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
Perhaps they're emitting but at a very low value, ie so small you can't see them? I'm not sure what you'd do if that were the case though.
2007 Dec 2 at 23:52 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
Light textures only emit light if they have a listing in your lights.rad file.

You can add your own entries to this file. Just edit it in Notepad.

Each line goes like this:[code:1]texture_name red green blue intensity[/code:1]

Red, green, and blue should be a value from 0-255.
Intensity has no limit.
2007 Dec 4 at 02:20 UTC
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