Learning Hammer
Learning Hammer
Lol i never really thought of that as faces! :P. But weird enough, in zhlt.wad 'Origin' was green with O's, 'AAAtrigger' was purple with T's, and 'Clip' was white with C's. When i added halflife.wad, i get two of each texture, the old one and the "faces". Each time i try to apply the old ones, it automatically applies the new one.
About your wall; you COULD make an invivible, shoot through wall, but you would have to enclose it with a solid, world brush. I still wonder: why would you want to have a wall outside your map, which isn't accessible by player OR bullet if your map isn't leaking?
About the shrinking, i was wondering that for a while too. I sometimes make these mice sized maps, where you are really small, and everything is really big. Would be handy if i could use enlarge for that. You could individually select your walls, shrink those, then the furniture, shrink that, then everything else, shrink that. Two problems tho: you can't shrink the players, they will always stay the same size. Also, you can't make decalls smaller or larger.
Rune, and Tribe. Really not much to it.
I game, i saw, i conquered
2010 Dec 30 at 16:13 UTC
How can I fix problems, which have error like - Invalid solid structure.
2011 Jan 3 at 16:35 UTC
I also had problem like in F.A.Q, that I have brushes outside world. This isn't fixable in any way, aint it?
2011 Jan 3 at 20:24 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
Well you could delete the brushes... just sayin
2011 Jan 3 at 21:52 UTC
The brushes went so far that I couldn't see them, I deleted what I saw, but who knows what's still out there :D. Think I have to start again. I was starting to have this problem when I carved wall with a cilinder, to do archs faster :P. But then the vertex was messed up and...
2011 Jan 4 at 09:16 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
Yeah there's your problem. Don't ever carve anything, unless your carving a cube into another cube.
2011 Jan 4 at 15:56 UTC
Smuul said: The brushes went so far that I couldn't see them, I deleted what I saw, but who knows what's still out there :D. Think I have to start again. I was starting to have this problem when I carved wall with a cilinder, to do archs faster :P. But then the vertex was messed up and...
Never ever ever carve with a cylinder or into a cylinder.
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2011 Jan 4 at 18:24 UTC
Mate de Vita said: Never ever ever carve...
2011 Jan 4 at 22:02 UTC
Rockbomb said: Don't ever carve anything...
2011 Jan 4 at 22:03 UTC
That I have understood myself too... :D. But can I carve with my own cut box with my own created arch into another box? Like is it safe and it doesn't do this crap like cylinderdoes?
2011 Jan 5 at 12:34 UTC
You never carve anything except a rectangle into a rectangle.
2011 Jan 5 at 15:30 UTC
Is there a way how can I check other maps size, like its parameters by pixel or something like that...? I need to know how big is max for cs 1.6. I wanna do so big map as possible, but don't want to do too big, so the max for me is the point when I can almost see the blur from one side to another. There is that kind a limit, so any ideas?  By the way, I'm making Zombie mod map, so it's gonna be one big room.
2011 Jan 6 at 14:10 UTC
— Ed. 2011 Jan 6 at 14:11 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
The largest size in any direction is 4096 units, I'd make it slightly smaller than that, just in case.
2011 Jan 6 at 14:23 UTC
Ok, I understand, but how can I turn on units :P. I know that it is good when it is smaller than 4096, but I need the max. Like... Imagine when you have max size map, one big empty room. I need to know only, where is that point, where it does get blurry(maybe not good word but... ;D), because it has one certain point where it gets blurry and weird, when you oversize it.
2011 Jan 7 at 23:03 UTC
— Ed. 2011 Jan 7 at 23:04 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
What you're talking about isn't the map size, but rather your field of vision, and I believe thats something that needs to be changed in your CS client rather than in the map.
Edit: Idk why I assumed you wanted to change that, lol. I have no idea what its set to by default, but in general if you have a room/space so big that it doesn't fit in your field of vision, than its way to big anyway.
You wanna try and keep your spaces pretty small, cuz the bigger they get, the more lag.
2011 Jan 7 at 23:06 UTC
— Ed. 2011 Jan 7 at 23:08 UTC
Map Properties->Max View Distance
2011 Jan 8 at 00:19 UTC