'LeafThread' takes forever!

'LeafThread' takes forever!

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2011 Aug 21 • 5
I'm starting to think that it will never compile. It has been stuck on "LeafThread" of the compiling process for about 30 minutes now without it saying how much percent done it is. I'm not sure what LeafThread even is. The map is very complex with a lot of small shapes and vertex manipulation. Is there anything I can do to make this run faster or start running at all? Maybe a hlvis command I can add?


Meanwhile, I'll leave my computer on overnight, we'll see what happens.
2011 Sep 5 at 05:13 UTC — Ed. 2011 Sep 5 at 05:15 UTC

Chrome Whore
2009 Sep 6 • 2547
10 ₧
racsO said:
The map is very complex with a lot of small shapes and vertex manipulation.

2011 Sep 5 at 05:47 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
Compile with -fast, or change some of your complex stuff to func_walls
Free Steam Games
2011 Sep 5 at 06:41 UTC
2011 Aug 21 • 5
Ok, like 9 hours later it still doesn't even say 10% complete or anything. It has been using 80-95% cpu, but no progress? My computer doesn't hibernate or sleep so the program should have been running with no problems.
2011 Sep 5 at 15:12 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
racsO said:
Ok, like 9 hours later it still doesn't even say 10% complete or anything. It has been using 80-95% cpu, but no progress? My computer doesn't hibernate or sleep so the program should have been running with no problems.

It could end up taking weeks, depending on just how complicated the map is, and how powerful your computer is. I would suggest doing as both Sprinkles and SRAW suggested, and first reduce how complicated your map is, and then compile it with the -fast tag like SRAW said.
2011 Sep 5 at 15:44 UTC
2011 Aug 15 • 74
LMAO It doesnt take weeks! if it does you did something wrong a very complex map should end in a day, and dont use -fast if your going to release it, I had the same problem in the past i just GOOGLED it like a normal person would do and I found the thing, now my map which is really complex takes 40min at leafthread.
2011 Sep 5 at 15:47 UTC
2011 Aug 15 • 74
Another thing, What are your Computer's Details?
2011 Sep 5 at 15:47 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
sin said:
LMAO It doesnt take weeks!

If you have a shit computer, and a really complicated map, then it could definitely take weeks.

sin said:
a very complex map should end in a day

Not everyone has the same computer as you, so the time will vary from person to person.

sin said:
I had the same problem in the past i just GOOGLED it like a normal person would do and I found the thing, now my map which is really complex takes 40min at leafthread.

Then maybe you should quit being a complete fucknugget and share with us what you found, so that he can try to fix his map.
2011 Sep 5 at 16:00 UTC
2011 Aug 21 • 5
AMD Athlon Dual Core (2.3 GHz)
3 GB of RAM.

The map is complicated, but quite small. What does -fast do? Why would changing brushes to func_wall help?
2011 Sep 5 at 16:06 UTC
2011 Aug 15 • 74
-fast make the compiling faster but its only for test not for final versions or release,
Your computer is fine its from the map itself, something is weird about it and even if its complex it should take this long.
VIS divides everything to patches, something you have screwed this over, so like a mature person google "leaf thread takes too long" and see what comes up for you.
2011 Sep 5 at 16:15 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
sin said:
so like a mature person google "leaf thread takes too long" and see what comes up for you.

You keep saying mature people and smart people would just Google it....
A mature person would help someone out if they already know the answer, instead of just telling people "Go Google it".
Stop being a hypocrite.
2011 Sep 5 at 16:26 UTC
2011 Aug 15 • 74
Thanks alot bro, I would tell him if I knew how, however he shouldn't be a little kid spamming forums every single problem he has, google.com for a change.
2011 Sep 5 at 16:30 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
sin said:
I would tell him if I knew how

sin said:
I had the same problem in the past i just GOOGLED it like a normal person would do and I found the thing, now my map which is really complex takes 40min at leafthread.

2011 Sep 5 at 16:41 UTC
2011 Aug 21 • 5
sin said:
so like a mature person google "leaf thread takes too long" and see what comes up for you.

Try googling that yourself. Nothing related to compiling a CS map comes up.

sin said:
he shouldn't be a little kid spamming forums every single problem he has, google.com for a change.

Uh.. This is the only thread I've made in this forum in like 2 years. Looking at past threads, I see that you've made at least 5 threads recently. Hypocrite or just troll?
2011 Sep 5 at 17:02 UTC
2011 Aug 21 • 5
Back on topic. I changed a lot of brushes to func_wall and the map compiled in under 40 minutes. I didn't use the -fast thing.

Not sure if that's the thing that helped, but thanks.
2011 Sep 5 at 17:26 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
Indeed func_walls will behave a little better.

Let's remember children that this is only the internet so we should calm down play nice. Although I do get annoyed and suggest that people hit up Google that is mostly for problems that turn up all the time, or where the person has blatantly not even tried to fix it themselves. Here, it looks like more work was put in on the pink guy's end.

Basically, man up.
2011 Sep 5 at 23:37 UTC
polly pushy pants

2008 Aug 1 • 3081
-6 ₧
Down Rodeo said:
Basically, man up.

I drink to forget but I always remember.
2011 Sep 5 at 23:54 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6687
hlvis (and friends) only really like it if your map is a bunch or rectangular boxes, on a grid.

If you make ANYTHING ELSE it will misbehave. The trick is to do both. Make sure on a large scale, your map IS just a bunch of rectangles. That's why it helps to make details into func_wall. If you have odd-angled detail brushes in the world, the compilers will split the world along those odd angles, making a spiderweb-like mess.

You can also use HINT and SKIP to carve your map into neat boxes. I did this with de_salt when it wouldn't compile (most of the map is at 45 or 26.565 degrees). Somehow, it worked! YMMV.

Without the HINT/SKIP trick, BSP never finished. I got a pointfile out of it though and looked at it. It literally spiralled around thousands of times in the middle of the map. Neat!
2011 Sep 8 at 07:43 UTC
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