Idea for Weapon-Stripping

Idea for Weapon-Stripping

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2006 Jul 18 • 31
18 ₧
Ive had problems with weaponstrips before and it only works on the first time you spawn, I have a little fix for this (Havent tested it, takes too long for my map to compile) Anyways. I was thinking that you can make a brush that covers the exit to player spawns and make it into a func_button then create a weaponstrip entity and name in playerstrip. (You can put this anywhere on the map) Be sure the func_button doesnt block the exit to spawn (You could make it a part of the flooring) Alt-Enter the func_button and go to flags, Check Dont Move and Touch Activates Then go back to general and target it to Playerstrip, So when players spawn and wall out the exit they get their weapons taken away

Im not sure if this will work But if it does its a good solution to the weapon strip problem ive had and other people have had.
Hehe No.
2006 Jul 21 at 16:27 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681
There are many ways to do it. None of them seem to work 100% of the time.

If you want players to trigger something without knowing it, use a trigger_multiple instead. It is an invisible zone that sets off a triggered event when a player walks into it. Just set its target to what you want it to activate.

You can also name any entity "game_playerspawn" and it will go off each time each player spawns, triggered by the spawning player.
2006 Jul 23 at 18:49 UTC
2006 Jul 18 • 31
18 ₧
So your saying I can name my player_weaponstrip game_playerspawn and it will activate every time a player spawns/respawns ?
Hehe No.
2006 Jul 24 at 15:19 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681
It sure should. Give it a try.

I had a problem with that once though... because the game is weird, I think the player gets their weapons a tiny bit AFTER they spawn... so sometimes this would happen:

1. New round starts
2. Player spawns
3. Player gets weapon stripped
4. Player gets spawn weapons

Not really sure if that was really happening or if something else was going on. Anyway. If it doesn't work, or doesn't work sometimes, try adding a delay through another entity (multi_manager, trigger_relay...).
2006 Jul 24 at 16:30 UTC
2006 Jul 18 • 31
18 ₧
I have a problem something like this, Once the weapons are stripped the next round, If you try to pick up a gun off the ground, It wont let you unless it is used (like someone picked it up then dropped it) Is there a solution to this? Or..
Hehe No.
2006 Jul 24 at 20:08 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681
That's really odd... I've never seen that before.

How are you creating the weapons that you can't pick up?

I always just use game_playerequips to give people weapons after a weaponstrip.
2006 Jul 24 at 21:00 UTC
2006 Jul 18 • 31
18 ₧
I have created a surf map. And it completely strips you of every weapon (including knife) So I do not need a game_playerequip (or whatever its called) And, say I just finished a round and i still have my gun, Next round it is stripped but I wont be able to pick up any unused guns, But when I drop the weapon before the round ends im able to pick up unused guns like normal. Im not always going to be in my map to tell people that they have to drop their guns before the round ends.

Same thing has also had with my fy_winter map, I would have a "Shotgun Hole" and when you go down you must pass through a barrier, In the barrier I have in this order:

1. game_playerequip (gives a Knife )
2. player_weaponstrip (To get rid of any guns that the user might have)
3. game_playerequip (gives a Shotgun)

And same thing when the player exits, So they dont bring weapons into the Shotgun Hole, Or leave with the weapons in the Shotgun Hole, But even with game_playerequip It will still not allow me to pick up and unused guns.
Hehe No.
2006 Jul 24 at 22:06 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681

1. game_playerequip (gives a Knife )
2. player_weaponstrip (To get rid of any guns that the user might have)
3. game_playerequip (gives a Shotgun)

This doesn't make sense to me. The weaponstrip should take the knife away too. How are you triggering these?

I think you may have just encountered one of the many many bugs in the game. When you are weaponstripped, you can't have guns again until you get playerequipped. I guess that's just how the game thinks.
2006 Jul 25 at 01:54 UTC
2006 Jul 18 • 31
18 ₧
Well I have 5 maps the one with the "Shotgun Hole" is just one of the ones that has this problem, BTW the weaponstripping, and player_equips are all triggered by func_buttons with "Touch Activates" flags. So there is really no way to help this problem im guessing.
Hehe No.
2006 Jul 25 at 15:03 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681
Try using a trigger_multiple instead of a func_button with touch activates.

Also. If your trigger_multiple/etc. targets a multi_manager, you'll only need one trigger or button. The multi_manager can target all three other events in the right order.
2006 Jul 25 at 22:43 UTC
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