Wow is for faggets, true story
anyway pics from the game in which I completely destroyed a bunch of n00bs with raz0r
Well first I go 1-1, then I tp bottom and get a double kill, and then randomly 2 more guys later decide to give 2 more kills, so the score is 5-1 after 8 minutes!
Err then I guess I tp'ed top and got some more kills and get a monster kill in 12 minutes (which isn't too bad)
Then I'm not sure what happened, but I somehow go godlike
Then I somehow solo the entire enemy team, getting a triple kill and going beyond godlike
Err then I reach level 25 with 25 kills, again I'm not so sure what happened
And I got 31-1-3, and in this pic it seems like I fountained farmed them with razor, which shouldn't be possible, and also note how I'm the only person with a positive score (and 31 kills in 40 minutes is pretty good, you have to admit aaronjer)
and I wouldn't say my opponents were noobs, as my teammates were even worse, but through a combination of my pr0 skillz, and my opponent dumbassness, I do this :)